Saturday, June 17, 2023

Chapter 9.1 - December 2022 part II - In the circle of life...

                                                Elton John - Circle of Life

Gautes notes:

I usually don't get nightmares, but I had a pretty strange and uncomfortable dream tonight.. I was walking down this long narrow hallway lit up by a dim sickly green light when I was approached by a woman in a white lab coat, shoulder length hair and a pair of golden hoop earrings. She asked me to follow her, and for some reason she kept referring to me over and over as the undertaker, and that I would soon be there.
    I kept asking her "Where? Where are we going?", but she just kept repeating herself as we walked on. "We will be there soon, undertaker. We will be there soon..", but we just walked on for what would seem like an eternity, and no matter what I said or tried to ask her, she just kept on repeating the exact same thing "We will be there soon undertaker, we will be there soon..", before she suddenly turned around and put her hand on my chest and said "Stop. We're here. The door is on your left."
    And sure enough, there was a door, a grey door with a narrow window up and to the right of the door pull handle. The door looked very institutional, as if it belonged in a hospital or some other type of healthcare facility. "Open it. You have to open it" she said.
    "Why?" I asked her. "Why do I have to open the door, and what happens if I do?" "Just open it. You're almost there now, undertaker. Almost there now. Just open the door. Just push.. breathe, and push... almost there now, almost there..." Well, I had no choice then, but to push the door open, and as I did, I could see my mom and my brothers, and then suddenly I was looking down on myself from above as I ran towards them shouting for my dad.
    "Where is dad!? What happened to dad!?" I shouted, but my voice was.. different, and when I reached them, they all vanished into thin air and then it was just me, alone, in a big empty room. Not even the woman in the white coat was there, and well, that's when I woke up and realized it was a dream...

I couldn't go to sleep right away, so I stood by the window for a moment watching as the rotating beam of the old memorial lighthouse swept across the night sky. It was still three hours more until I had to get out of bed, and get ready for work...I eventually made it back to sleep again, and luckily I had no more dreams that night.

When I woke up again to get ready for work, the house was quiet and everything was by the normal, except for, well, the shower breaking. I had no time to fix it as I had to soon rush out the door, so I called for a repair man to come over and get it done.

I kept wondering about that strange dream on the way to work. I couldn't really figure it out, but I felt it had a message of some kind. I was certain it would have something to do with family, but I wasn't sure what.

Leyas notes:

This morning started the usual way, with Orinder waking me up from his crib. I knew from his voice he was hungry as I had already learnt to interpret him. That sulk could only mean one thing..

Mommy just needed to do a little private errand first, so I let him out of his crib and headed for the bathroom where a couple of unpleasant surprises waited for me.

This house has served us good for the year and half we've been living here with no major issues, but now water was gushing from the shower and kept leaking out all over the floor of the upstairs bathroom, and, well, I know this man was there just do his job, but I really needed to go..

I heard the school bus honk outside and the front door slam shut, so I knew Bodil was on her way to school, she's such a good girl, getting up and making breakfast for herself alone already.

With Bodil out the door, Orinder had gone into her room to play with her dollhouse. Realizing he had crawled all the way over there I became worried he would hurt his knees or get splinters in his hands from these wooden floors. "So so, mommy's little boy. You stay here and play, mommy just has to go take a bath and I'll be right back."

I didn't want to use the newly repaired shower, so I went for the bathtub, but as I filled it up I noticed the water pressure wasn't really there as it took ages to fill. Water wasn't leaking from the shower, but just to make sure I called the repair man again to have come over and inspect the piping, because there still had to be something wrong somewhere.

Narrators notes:

A right decision by Leya, because earlier in the bathroom downstairs as Bodil was doing her morning routine to get ready for school...

Home owners will know, something will break sooner or later, and accidents always seem to pile up. ;) The elements are useful as long as we are in control and can keep them in their spaces, but they always try to find a way... It's a constant battle between order and chaos. :P Give and take...

Leyas notes:

With Bodil at school and Gaute at work I had the entire day to teach Orinder how to walk, so that he could move around more safely.. or uhmm, maybe not, but... I didn't want to see him have to crawl around on the floor anymore, so there was only one thing to do.

My boy is so clever, he was making really rapid progress and he was almost ready to walk around on his own by the time I had to get ready for my shift at the theatre. I'm so proud of him.

Gautes notes:

As I was playing a game of darts after work today, I started thinking about Selma. We had known each other since we were kids growing up by the Appaloosian mountains. I hadn't seen her in quite a while now since we moved to her new house and wanted to catch up, so I invited her over. She was fast to come over, because shortly after I had gone inside to change Orinders diaper we could hear the doorbell ringing. I ran quickly upstairs with him, so that he could stay in Bodils room to play with the toys.

Selmas profile:

Full name:
Selma Vaddelmyr
Place of birth:
Dole Plains.
Date of birth: July 2nd, 1992.
Personality traits:
Couch potato, slob, virtuoso, heavy sleeper, charismatic.
High school.
Current career:
Band Manager
Lifetime wish:
Super Popular (completed).
Christoffer Vaddelmyr.
Children: Jorunn Vaddelmyr.

Gautes notes:

When I came downstairs again to answer the door, it looked like she had left, but just to make sure I took a walk around the house and found her on the way towards the backyard to play a game of darts. I asked her how her day had been and she said it was alright, but that she was struggling with back pains, which from looking at her belly wasn't to surprising.

She was still being har charming good old self, though, as she complimented my looks. I knew she meant nothing with it though, seeing as we are both married, but she has always been this way. I remember in school, she was always surrounded by a group of friends, and when we were teenagers we would alternate between throwing the wildest parties on the plains...
    After high school, I got restless and wanted to move on to bigger things, so I headed westwards to the coast and the city where I met Leya for the first time. I was still young then and not ready to settle down, so a year later I left the city to travel around the country, never staying to long in one place.. those were the days...

Selma on the other hand, had always been a country girl, though, so she stayed behind on the plains. We lost touch for a while during these years. It wasn't until after I had ended up here I ran by both her and Leya again as they were doing a performance with their choir in the park.. And it was Selma that (re) introduced me to Leya and almost played the part of the match maker, and, well, here we are...

Bodils notes:

After school and ballet practice I wanted Edny to come over to hangout, so I called her and invited her over. Ednys mom has gone away to prison for having done some really bad things, but Edny isn't bad like her mom, she's a friend to me. I had to do my homework too, and I had just gotten started when she was at the door. Dad was out in the garden playing darts with Selma, one of his friends. Mom was at work, she always works in the afternoon.

I invited her in and we walked into moms painting room. Edny is the smartest girl in school, she is the best at maths and I can always ask her when I don't understand multiplication and division. I hate division the most, it's so difficult! Edny makes it sound simple, but I'm still not sure if I understand it.

She told me her father had began to put away money from the child support her mom has to pay in the bank for her when she got older and that the money would multiply. I'm not sure how that works, but I guess that's just what banks do, they make the money multiply to make more money.

We goofed around a bit, before we did our homework. Homework is very boring, but it's a little better when you have a smart friend.

Gautes notes:

I have always enjoyed pushing boundaries and going to the extremes, and one day I hope to be able to experience watching our planet floating around in space, completely weightless.. This requires extensive training that only the military can offer, which is perfect for me, I love a good workout.
    The only drawback is that it requires discipline and getting up early in the morning, which of course also means going earlier to bed. I had to excuse myself to Selma and went upstairs to put Orinder in his crib before I had to go to bed.

Of course, my rest didn't last long before Orinder was screaming at me. Well, that was the punishment for not feeding him before bedtime..

Selma was still hanging around, entertaining herself by playing an old country tune, "Riverview Blues", on her guitar.

In the meantime as I was feeding Orinder I heard Leya out in the hallway walking up the stairs as she came home from work. She was probably tired from work and went straight to bed.

Bodil had her friend Edny over from school. I always knew something fishy was going on over at the old peat factory, I just never knew the scope of it, or that Edny's mom was involved in it. I mean, it's a good thing the case is cleared up and that the wrongdoers get their punishment, but it's still so sad for a child to see their parent get locked away.. I hope she's doing alright. She's welcome to come over here any time she wants.

It makes you think about the importance of being present and being a good parent..and after she had biked home, it was bedtime for Bodil.

I got an uncomfortable message from Laranya, Leyas mother, when I was picking a book from the shelf to read Bodil a bedtime story. She was a the hospital with Deepak. He had fallen on the bathroom floor and when she tried to talk to him, he wasn't able to speak in sentences. His face looked really pale, and he could only answer with yes and no. Laranya had tried to call Leya several times, but she had probably turned her phone on silent.

Yellow textbox translation:
Deepak Chitrakaar is getting old and will not live that much longer. Maybe it would have been an idea to pay Deepak Chitrakaar a visit!

There wasn't much we could do right now, and I didn't want to wake Leya, but I sent a message back to her mother, ensuring that I would tell her when she woke up, and that we would probably come over and visit them for the upcoming holidays, if not before...

I wouldn't necessarily want Bodil to follow in the excact footsteps as me with some of the things I did when I was younger, but still, I felt it important to encourage her to be active and athletic, so I read to her a chapter from "Swish, Dribble, Swish", specifically focusing on how to prevent injuries when excercizing. I hope she learns something, but if not, atleast it makes her fall asleep...

When I kissed her goodnight, I heard moaning from downstairs as if someone was in pain. Of course! Selma was still around, so I ran downstairs to see what was wrong and I found her holding her stomach in pain from being in labor (and the TV was broken, but that can be fixed later).

Somebody wanted out right now, so I had to get her to the hospital as fast as I could. Sleep and everything else would just have to wait.

Once there, I called her Christoffer to tell him the baby was coming! He was a little grumpy as I woke him up from sleeping, but as soon as he heard what was happening, he was quick to jump into his clothes and come over. Hospitals at night aren't among the most exciting things, and time almost appeared to be frozen as I waited for them out in the hallway.

I'm not sure how she does it, as she is radically opposite from me when it comes to physical activity, but Selma is a woman of good health, and was out of the hospital already that night, with a newborn baby girl in her arms.
    She always says it's her love of singing and music that keeps her young, and well, who knows.. if that works for her, then nothing could be better. One things for certain, everyone has to find their path life, and the worst thing that can happen is to be pigeonholed, or forced into something other than what is right for you!

Even though it was early morning by the time we left the hospital, I followed them home to make sure everything was alright and that they got there safely.

New Sim:
Name: Rebbeca Vaddelmyr.
Date of birth: December 15th 2022.
Personality traits:
Good, athletic.
Biological parents:
Selma Vaddelmyr, Christoffer Vaddelmyr.

Luckily I had the next day off, or I would have been pretty dead come next evening.. now I just had to get a short moment of rest, before waking up again to tell Leya the news about her father...

Other happenings in Sprottenham this month:

Elif Sagstad adopted a cat called Fluffy.

Jet Rēshingugāru have been collecting money at the Harbor Café.. The business appears profitable, I just hope it's not a crime story all over again and that this Jet is only a criminal when she's behind the wheel..

Jet's character is based on a driver from the futuristic, but now old, racing game "Rollcage". Being a racing game, the characters backstory was no deeper than, well, being vehicle enthusiasts, most likely... and driving fast, futurustic cars and playing cat and mouse with the police.
    Some of the racing tracks in the game, though, takes place in a city called "Neoto City", which is, supposedly her home town. In that game, she shares her car with her brother Tetsuo, but he has not made the transfer to the sims universe (yet?).

This is what I had to base her character off of, which isn't a whole lot..

She lives in a household "The Rollcagers", with her fellow car crazy people, Lothar Maier, Ria Simba and Leon Maneval, all based on drivers from the same game.

Rollcage game intro:

Jet makes an appearance towards the end.

Rune Rasmussen, son of Solvej and Patrik, has improved his skill in fishing to level 3 from the boy scouts.

Ada Dalhaug and Eilif Sagstad are in a relationship. One can only speculate what brought them together, but their shared experience at the peat factory may have played a role.

Lamshey and Gretzel Trazlacat had a fine date at the park.

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