Thursday, June 8, 2023

Chapter 7.1 - June 2022 - Travel, new boss and a birthday

Baturney wakes up a little late after sleeping in from the party over at the Frigg/Ås household, and young Ruben is still up playing with his toys. The house is full of dirty clothes lying around, so finally he decides to do some much needed laundry..

Agathi wakes up even later than him, as she was pretty exhausted from coming home from work, and having been kept awake by the two young ones..

At the Chitrakaar-Bråheim household, things are a little hectic this morning, as they have to hurry up to the airport to catch a plane.. they are going to Bewickton again this summer, to attend the wedding of Leyas brother Palash, where he will marry Sofia Karlsen..

It came as a surprise to everyone that Palash had gottten engaged, as he had always been a little weird and not the most popular among the ladies, even though he had tried many times..

Leyas mind was already spinning.. who was this Sofia? She wasn't proud of thinking like she did, but something had to be .. a little wrong with this woman... for wanting to marry her brother..

We gotta hurry up and eat, the plane leaves in just two hours!

Relax, Leya, we'll make it...

After finishing their meal, they ran out the door, stuffed their bags into the trunk of the car and drove off, leaving their town of Sprottenham behind for now..

The Old Peat Factory lies by the road on the way to the airport..

Warenford Airport lies by the starting point of highway A-15 that runs across the kingdom in an east-west direction. The airport is located "in the middle of nowhere" on the Warenford moores, and serves several towns in the region of North Hazelburn that Sprottenham is a part of.

See Leya, we're almost there now.. plenty of time left.. the plane is waiting for us!

Is that our plane, mom?
Yes, that's the one..

The boarding call sounds, they get on board the plane, and off they go! This will be young baby Orinders first flight, possibly to the dismay of the other passengers...:P

To read about their arrival in Bewickton and the wedding of Palash and Sofia go to the Bewickton blog (link will appear at the bottom of this chapter when the update is ready).

Back in town, Agathi makes sure to feed Iselin, and give Ruben some potty training before sitting down to hand in a few more chapters on her book, "The Zombie Kitchen".

I get notified that Patrik has a new boss on the football team in Jet Rēshingugāru from the Rollcagers household.

So she is not just interested in racing, but apparently also football. She goes to visit him at his house, and he greets her by the door. He talks with her for a while about food, but doesn't let her in..

His wife Solvej eventually comes out to greet her and let her in, though.

Inside she walks over to Patrik to compliment him about their new house.

Agathi has to go to work at the Community Theatre. She hates this job, but has shown no desire to want to quit it just yet. She wants to save up a little more cash, before taking the plunge and becoming a full time author.

Torgeir Dahl-Blankblomst, the son of Daniel and Chansa aged up to a toddler, he is just about a month older than Iselin.

Agathi manages to cram in a little more writing after work, before its bedtime.

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