Friday, October 27, 2023

Chapter 12.4 – September 2023 – Life skills and satisfaction.

September came around, and the everyday family life would continue with caring for the toddlers and teaching them basic, but pretty essential life skills...


..and making the promise that maybe one day when they got older, they would visit Solvejs parents down south, to go fishing with grandma..


..or in the case of Solvej, admiring and feeling happy about this new ring on her finger.. finally.. she was married. ;)


Solvej also had to take some time to plant the wolf bane seeds her mom had given her. She had never planted such seeds on her own before, though she had of course seen them before in her moms garden, so she thought she knew pretty well just what kind of care they would need.. Still, it would be a little exciting to see if she could make them grow into excellent plants. Atleast mamas seeds were top quality, so it should be possible.


..and very typical of Solvej, she just had to play a little tune for them, still holding on to the belief that there is great power in music, and that it would also help the plants grow quicker and stronger..


Patrik then had something he wanted to show to Lilian.. after observing how much the girls loved to hang around by the football goal in the park, he thought he should award them with one of their own, right there in their yard.. and he let Lilian have the first go at it, since Silvia hogged it so much when they were in the park..

He would of course let Silvia have her turns to play with it later, and make sure that both girls got about equl time playing with it, and later as they got older, teach them how to actually share.. but for now they would need to be watched and administered a little more closely, to avoid any fighting between them until they got old enough to understand such an abstract concept.. ;)

Then he had to reward his wife with the best massage he could give for having bestowed upon him two such young, but brilliant football players.. He very much looked forward to it already... the day they got old enough to join the girls football team, and he could begin the process of training them into elite players..


When Rune came home from school, he wanted to hang out with his friends Samira and Leo, but unfortunately they were busy with their after school activities and had no time to come over.. and then they had to go home to do their homework...and soon enough the curfew would come into play, and their parents would tell them to go to bed... Maybe some other day...


Sometimes he would wish he could be a little kid again, like his sisters.. all they did was play around all day.. so why couldn't he? Being a child sucks!


Everyone else was having fun, but not him! Even mom and dad was out playing ping pong! And he was stuck inside doing homework! And then he had to do chores just to get his weekly allowance! Not fair!

When he was finally done with all that, he wanted to try some of the painting techniques his grandpa had talked to him about during their visit.. he didn't know to much about painting yet, but maybe that could be something for him. He thought about asking mom if he could do a painting class. There was no point in asking dad, he would probably just say no.. He thought he could hear him already.. "..painting!? What would that be good for!?".


His father wasn't one to have any interest or skill in creating anything.. except results on the football field.. He didn't care to much about music, art or litetarute.. he couldn't even cook to save his life sometimes, despite having several years of cooking for himself every now and then.. (whenever Solvej wasn't there to make food...)

It was probably best to ask mom for a bedtime story this time.. and leave dad to himself to figure out what went wrong by the stove..


Patrik could get a little cranky on occasion if he didn't immediately get what he wanted.. whether that was food when he was hungry, a goal on the field or a trophy in a championship.. so there was no use in asking him for a bedtime story.. He had to satisfy his own hunger first...


If it's one thing Solvej hates, it's to throw away food.. Patrik was gonna have to eat this one day, she would make sure of that. She couldn't fathom how it was possible that he was still this lousy at cooking.. he couldn't even make the simplest mac and cheese without burning it.. it was unbelievable.. she couldn't do much but shake her head at it once more, and put it in the refridgerator to be reheated later.. she wasn't gonna eat it, and she wouldn't let Rune or the toddlers eat it either... Maybe if they had a pig.. or Patrik..

She thought of him as a peculiar and fascinating man in many ways. He could be a little selfish and perhaps even short sighted, impatient, but full of energy and drive, yet also very caring and full of love... and passionate. He didn't do anything half-heartedly (except for maybe cooking...), it was full on. Whether it was playing football, making love or caring for his children... in that regard he was wonderful.. as long as he had eaten first that is...


Good night. ;)

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