Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Chapter 8.2 - October 2022 – Part I: You have the right to remain silent...

Location: Sunset Valley Police Station, Briefing Room:

In Sunset Valley retired police officer Eirin Motorsen had been called in to lead their part in the ongoing investigation of the human trafficking case as she is the most experienced of all the police officers in town, and the only one of them that has reached the top level of the career.

The investigation has been a joint effort between the police offices in Sunset Valley and Sprottenham as well as CRIPOS (The National unit for fighting organized and other serious crimes), and has lead them to find that the central hub of the criminal organization responsible appears to be located in an abandoned peat factory in Sprottenham.

Police officer Arlo Bunch was busy taking notes. This was the final briefing on the case for the Sunset Valley office before the Sprottenham police, along with a unit from the SWAT police, will raid the peat factory and hopefully arrest the criminals and free their victims..

Police officer Amena Alnuman clapped and cheered with joy as Eirin confidently finished her briefing. This was the moment they would bust this league and put a stop their criminal activities once and for all. Amena had long been looking forward to this moment, and finally it would unveil. Though she had hoped very much she could be there herself, to take the criminals down in person...

Other police officers are Justine Keaton and rookie officer Marius Osnes standing in the back.


The same night over at the old peat factory in Sprottenham, it was business as usual...

Head criminal and gang leader Robert Gudmestad-Kiinsmo, was busy overlooking his slave workers, unaware of what was about to happen...

George Alnuman:
I have a feeling that something is going to happen tonight... I dreamt that my aunt would come her to rescue us all...

Wendy Strandheim:
I hope you are right, boy... I hope you are right...

Upstairs fellow criminals Ann-Kristin Skeie and Dina Gjerstad was upstairs watching tv, while gang member Oda Sævik was working out when they heard a voice from the outside...

"This is the police! You are surrounded! Come out, hands above your head!"

We're busted! Time to gun up...
We got this.

You know what to do.
Oda: On it.

Everybody stand still, and nobody gets hurt!

"This is armed police! Come out of the building! Hands above your head!"

Nobody move!

This is it. You ready?

SWAT officer 1:
We're going in!

"Armed police! Drop your weapons! Hands above your head!"

Oda points the knife at Danica.

You! Come here!
Ann-Kristin (from the balcony):
Do as she says!

Oda grabs on to Danica, holding the knife against her throat at the same instant as the SWAT team breaks through the door.

SWAT Officer 1:
Drop the knife! NOW! Drop the knife!
You drop your guns or this one goes!

At the same time Robert has Ada at gunpoint.

SWAT Officer 2.
Drop your weapons! Hands above your head!
Stand still, or I shoot!

Upstairs Dina and Ann-Kristin are getting nervous, and have decided to run.
We gotta get out of here!


SWAT Officer 3:
Back me! We're taking the stairs!

SWAT Officer 1:

At the same time on the ground level there was no negotiation. The officer gave Robert a quick punch to make him lose his balance and fall.

Oda was still holding on.

SWAT Officer 2:
NO! Ann-Kristin and Dina didn't get very far, before they realized they were cornered...

SWAT Officer 3:
Hands above your head! Drop your weapons!
We're done for..
I surrender! I surrender!
SWAT Officer 3: Drop your weapons! You are under arrest!

Police officer Lamshey Trazlacat:
Robert! Drop the gun! You are under arrest!

With the big man also down, there was only one left...

Police officer Jingguo Xie-Luo:
Oda! Drop the knife, this isn't working..
SWAT Officer 3:
No! Don't come closer, or I'll have her throat!
Jingguo: Oda! Its over! Drop the knife!

Same time by the staircase, Ann-Kristin and Dina got their handcuffs on, and was about to be transported out to the waiting police vehicles...

Police officer Glenn Hoddelås:
Just a normal day at the office, eh?
Police officer Maiken Strøm: Haha, indeed.. now stand still, so I can get the cuffs on you!

.... you have the right to an attorney, one will be provided for you if you can't afford one, though I bet you'll have no problem there... . Anything you want to say to me, Robert?
Kiss my ass!

SWAT Officer 2:
Last warning! DROP THE KNIFE!

SWAT Officer 1:
Then here goes!

Oda, you are under arrest! You have the..
I know my rights, just shut up!
Jingguo: Anything else you wish to say?
Just get it done!

And so the headquarters were busted, and all the criminals were under arrest. Along with the criminals, the police also took a hold of a computer from upstairs and various illegal goods.. ..and the kids got plenty of hugs from the adults...

Danica Tomren:
It's all over now, and everything will be fine, I promise!
Even Foss:
I was so scared, I thought we were gonna die!

We won! I am sure my aunt did this, do you think she is here?
I don't know, George, but we're free now and everything will be ok.. everything will be ok..

Ingolf Dybdahl:
I want my mom and dad! I'm so scared! I'm so scared!
Ada Dalhaug:
It's ok, it's ok now. Everything is over and it will soon be better...

Come here, sweet girl! We are free now! We are free!
Elisa Meek:
Can you be my mommy? I want you to be my mommy!

And maybe she would be.. but for now, Danica and the rest were temporarily checked in at the Seafront Hotel, while the criminals got transported to the police station to spend the night in each their jail cell, awaiting interrogations and prosecutions the following day...

This is where you'll be spending the night, Robert. In you go!


At the Seafront Hotel Elisa, Danica and the others were all very tired after all this, so they quickly went to their rooms to go to sleep..

George kept thinking about Danica, she was such a nice woman and motherly figure for all the kids. George and Ada had been assigned to the same room.

Elisa had begged to get the same room as Danica, so Danica and Elisa was assigned to the same room. None of the kids got to sleep alone this night, and everyone felt good about sleeping in a proper bed and no longer being held captive, finally....

For the next chapter things will return to normalcy for a bit, when I will go back to follow the Flansbarne/Jiggens family, but hopefully also give updates on the adults and children from this update, as well as the criminals.. but for now, goodnight!

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