Monday, June 12, 2023

Chapter 8.1 - September 2022 - Greenhouse Blues.

Active family: Agathi Jiggens and Baturney Flansbarne.

It's september, and autumn has arrived in the small coastal town of Sprottenham and everyone is safely asleep. ;)

While they are sleeping, Baturney quickly gets a wish for another baby with Agathi. Agathi doesn't get that wish, but she is dreaming of babies...

Their oldest child Ruben wakes up to go and play with the dollhouse.

Baturney wakes up next to take Iselin out of her crib and walk over to feed Ruben in the baby chair.

Before its time for him to go to work at the town hall.

Over at the Rasmussen/Jensen household Rune is heading off to school, and Solvej has built a new greenhouse before the upcoming winter.

This one should work better than the last one, as it has a special glass roof technology that is seethrough only from the bottom, while simultaneously letting the sunlight in and keeping the snow out. Marvelous, isn't it. ;)


At the Chitrakaar-Bråheim household, Leya is putting Orinder into his crib downstairs in the living room, before going outside to jump on the trampoline.

Agathi eventually wakes up to eat left overs from the salad Baturney made earlier, leaving Ruben still in his baby chair.

She does the dishes and walks over to change Iselins diaper, and while she turns her back on Ruben, he crawls out of the baby chair all on his own! "No sit in chair!" he thinks.

He walks over to play with the dollhouse, but Agathi calls for him, because he needs his diaper changed, too...

She plays and tickles with him for a while, before hanging up the laundry to dry.

They have a second floor in their house with an additional bedroom and a storage room, but so far it is unused and empty. Only the clothes drier is standing up there by the stairs.

Agathi is happy to hear Ruben playing on the xylophone from downstairs.

Then it's time to teach Ruben some language skills, Agathis current most rewarding wish. Agathi may not be a huge conversationalist, but she is an author, so teaching her kids about language is very important... And Ruben is three years old, so it is about time he learns to communicate properly...

While Agathi is teaching Ruben, I locate Solvej, she is out walking again. "I really like walking" she says "It is much better and more environmentally friendly than using the car".
    She is walking in the direction of the Harbour Park to enjoy the fine weather and play a little guitar. Solvejs background story is something I haven't referenced to much, but she was born into a free-thinking, sort of rebellious family.... that never played by the rules, and never really cared... and this is related to her *ahem* love of plants and green stuff... I tell you, Park Avenue leads to... ;)

Solvej Rasmussen was born in raised in the freetown of Ciani Tharis, Wad Nahadau (the capitol of Simbria). Inspired by the real world freetown of Christiania, Copenhagen. Hence she has a very typical Danish sounding name. ;)

Solvej is just being Solvej. :)

Agathi interrupts teaching Ruben to talk, because he has to use the potty, so she sits down to write a few lines on her horror novel before she has to go to work. Robert has continued his mission to buy the entire town it seems. This time he bought the old Shoemakers home, named so after a certain bitter old juice-addicted shoemaker that used to live there... STÄNG DÖRRA! ;)

Picture: The old Shoemakers house at Greenacre Road 3.

Leya is visiting the tattoo shop, where she is watching Selma Vaddelmyr playing guitar. Selma used to live in the old Shoemakers home with her husband Christoffer and their daughter Jorunn, before they moved to a better location. Selma is pregnant and in her second trimester. The kid on the floor is either Jess or Astrid, one of Ramgers twin daughters. Ramger is the one standing to the left.

Baturney arrives home after work just in time to watch his wife unhappily going to her job at the community theatre... Agathi always gets this sour face whenever she has to go to work... I want you to quit your job, too, Agathi, so that you can focus more on you're writing, but you're gonna have to roll a wish for it first... those are the game rules...

Once inside Baturney begins the journey to fulfill his most rewarding wish, to learn Iselin (14 months) how to walk.

Gaute is hanging out inside the Sprottenham Arms pub doing the smustle dance, while Christoffer Vaddelmyr has decided to do a performance on his drums. :P

Bodils father and Leyas ex, Glenn Hoddelås (the policeman) enters the pub to watch Gaute as he dances.. Looks like he wants to keep an eye on him for some reason..

Bodil has gone to the park after school to sit on a bench and mope for a while, before she walks by Solvej still playing guitar to do her homework. Bodil often looks a bit unhappy like something is bothering her.     Of course, it probably wasn't easy for her, when her mother decided to end the relationship with her father and move in with Solvej and Patrik, as well as Patriks frequent inappropriate behaviour and shouting at Bodil (and his flirting with her mom), which led to them finally moving out to a place of their own..

Rune, the son of Solvej and Patrik, has been busy making cookies and has gone to the festival park to sell them. An arbitrary townie called Anton Nordstrøm comes over to buy one before he randomly freaks out..

Afterwards Rune decides to switch position because a good salesman never stays in the same spot for to long. Jorunn Vaddelmyr and Samira Klinemann is spotted in the background in a water balloon fight with each other.

The park is not far away in walking distance from Rune, Solvej and Patriks home, if you choose to walk across the grass, that is. :P

Back at the Jiggens/Flansbarne household, Iselin was getting tired after all the stumbling about, so Baturney put her to bed. She is well over half-way to learn how to walk, so she has done a good job.

But now its time to rest, sweet dreams little one.

Ruben also goes to bed, he is old enough to find it on his own, and Baturney gently tucks him in, before his wife gets home with a sweet thought on her mind..

She immediately walks inside to give him a good hug...

....but Baturney is not interested in being hugged by his wife! He wants to play tag, so they run out into the backyard to play. I guess this is how adults have fun? :P

After a while of playing, Baturney gets tired and finally goes to bed, while Agathi eats another meal of salad leftovers, before finding the pillow herself. Baturney, of course, dreams about his politcal career and this months election results, where his party came out with a rather favorable result.

Good night. ;)

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