Thursday, June 22, 2023

Chapter 10.1 – December 2022/January 2023 - For old times sake...?

This chapter picks up from after they left Bewickton and visiting Leyas parents. If you haven't caught that part, it begins here - Chapter 7.6 - December 2022 part VI: The Curse of the Lady (opens in new window). If you have read it, let's move on. You also have the option to skip the intro part here, and go directly to the beginning of January 2023

So once again they were back at the flat and usually soggy (but now frozen) landscape on the countrys east coast where the small town of Sprottenham was allowed to exist – by the grace of the ocean...

A quiet and small town, where the only thing that fell from the sky were small and peaceful snowflakes...
A little town were people had just celebrated christmas in their homes – all together with their families – warm.. and safe...
Well, most of them. Not everyone – even in this town - was that fortunate, but atleast they still had warmth and safety.

When Leya and her family returned to their home, they found it exactly like they left it. They had just managed to put up the christmas lights outside before they got the message which led them to pack their bags in a hurry..

Even their tv-set was still broken – just like they left it, but no worries there. Calling a repair man to come over is both quick and easy...

All was good in this home. Gaute found the trampoline as usual, Leya went for a game of darts, and Bodil sat down with her new computer to race her grandma, like promised..


The repair man fixed the tv, Orinder practiced his skills on the peg toy box and soiled his diaper.. yes, everything was by the normal...

The year of 2022 was drawing to a close, and Leya and Gaute had gone outside to welcome the new year and enjoy this one last moment in the fresh cold winter air..

..and in Cliffon Park just behind them, Bodils father and local klepto, Glenn Hoddelås and his girlfriend, Maiken Strøm, had gone to do the same while watching the stars..

What a year it had been.. good night.. ;)

January 2023

It's early january and the White Peal Memorial Lighthouse as it stands steadfast shining it's light throuh the dark winter night and towards the black oceans, as it has done for a little over one and a half century now... Of course, it's interior have been modernized a few times since then, but the exterior still stands as it does when it was first built to replace the old lighthouse..

Now, inside the house Gaute is as always the first one to wake up to get ready for his job at the military base. The kitchen looks just like it does when they left it in a hurry to travel to Bewickton over christmas and new year to visit Leyas father Deepak who was in the hospital...

It's an absolute filthy mess, because there was no time to clean. Leya felt it was urgent since her fathers health was on the line, and they had to pack what they could and go fast... Gaute doesn't have much time to clean either, a quick breakfast meal is all he can do, before he has to run out the door and get to work..

The dining room is in a similar state as Leya comes downstairs with Orinder and Bodil sits to eat her breakfast before going to school. It smells pretty bad, so once Bodil is out the door Leya will have lots of cleaning to do...

While Leya is inside cleaning, some of the towns folk are heading to the park nearby to enjoy this fine day, such as the Dahl-Blankblomst family as seen here.

The parents are Daniel and Leni, and the toddlers are.. umm....

Now I have been a little forgetful here, but after checking up on it afterwards I found that Daniel was carrying their firstborn son called Torgeir, while Leni was having their last born Jonn in the stroller. ;)

Solvej Rasmussen has entered the park too, to do her own rockin' thing. ;)

Agathi Jiggens is out on a stroll with her son Ruben.

The day moves on and after lots of housework, Leya finally finds time to sit down and eat lunch...

Gaute is finished at work, and on the way home he decides to buy a new modern old fashioned stereo for the living room. ;)

And as soon as he enters the door at home, he picks up the phone to call his long time childhood friend Selma Vaddelmyr to show off his new stereo..

Leya has gone to paint, and finished a painting called "The Flamingo Stork" at a value of 244 simoleons.

Time to bring out the guitar. Leya can be quite rockin' too. ;)

Then Selma arrives and rings the doorbell, so it's time to turn on the stereo and get the dance moves going. ;)

He goes out in the hallway to dance with her (for some reason not in the living room where the stereo is) just in time for Bodil to arrive home from school and find them there.

"Hi Gaute... why are you dancing with Selma? Where's mom?" Bodil didn't like what she saw. Gaute should be dancing with mom, not Selma. Was history going to repeat itself? She hoped not... Gaute had been such a good stepfather. Was he going to do like her dad did and ruin it all again?

"Oh, just for old times sake.. this is how we used to dance when we were young.. Mom's in the hobby room playing guitar."
"Ok... I'll go to mom and do my homework..."


While Bodil did her homework and Gaute was still dancing with Selma, Leya wanted to have Orinder finish the final stretch and learn how to walk. While she does so, eventually Selma and Gaute stop dancing to walk into the living room. Leyas teaching of Orinder ends in success, and they're both happy about that.. The world just got bigger for the little one, but the world may change in other ways, too...

Gaute has always been a party animal and fond of women, that's no secret, and maybe there is more to his history with Selma that goes a little beyond them just being old childhood friends...

"What are you doing!? You can't do this to me now..."

Leya was very tempted to walk straight up to Selma and shout at her, but kept her cool and retreated back to the hobby room to start another painting instead.. Bodil still hasn't seen what happened, and it would probably be better if they could stop doing whatever they're doing before she finds out..

After Bodil had finished her homework and played some more computer games with grandma (Laranya: age 70) on the computer she got for christmas, she wants to head to the festival park to do some ice skating.

Back at home in the living room Gaute hasn't excactly stopped his flirtatious behaviour. They had even been sitting down to watch the romance channel together for a while...

Bodil is still unaware of all this as she has turned to snowboarding, still enjoying her time in the park...

..and Leya practices her painting, ignoring it all for now...

Orinder had now crawled up on the couch to continue watching the romance channel that was still on. Just don't learn anything from the adults behaviour...

A long day at the park at left Bodil tired and it was time to go home, just in time for curfew to set in. ;)

When Bodil came home to ask her mom for a good night story (she wasn't going to ask Gaute this time.. and why was Selma still here?) the adults had gathered out in the backyard to talk under the night sky as a faint northern light was seen in the distance...

Then suddenly there was a new baby in town. Frigg just gave birth to a little girl called Randi. Again I can't have been paying much attention, because I didn't know she was pregnant.. but hey, good news, the towns population grew again. ;) The girl standing in front of her is her teenage daughter Hermine.*

This is Odin, the (all-)father. :P
* Obviously this family is based on norse mythology, however I have allowed myself to deviate a little bit. If I were to stick true to it, Hermine would have been male and called Hermod, but I made her female to have a gender balance, because in the mythology Frigg and Odin have only male sons. I'm not trying to be blasphemous to the old gods. ;)

Back at the Chitrakaar-Bråheim household Gaute rushes inside to go to bed, since he has been up since early morning.. Selma has found a dirty plate and goes to clean it in her own way...

Leya reads Bodil a bedtime story about a young girl called Bella who went missing, and Bodil has once again chosen to go to sleep in the guest bed instead of the bed in her own bedroom...

Downstairs Selma might just be trying to weasel her way into the family, as she has picked up Orinder to sit on her lap..

When Leya comes back downstairs, Selma has to be careful, so she puts Orinder back down so Leya can pick him up and put him in his crib...

It's bedtime now for this household, so you have to leave..

"Goodbye and goodnight Selma..."

"....oh, and by the way.... don't come back... I don't need your 'help' with the dishes..."

Goodnight. ;)

Other happenings:

Anne-Gerd Jørgensen, whom I thought would remain single for life has finally found love in one of the towns vehicle enthusiasts.. a fast and furious rubber burning 'frenchman' called Leon Maneval. He would certainly know how to handle the curves and take her for a ride, I'm sure... Kids.. look away! (..and don't cross the street...)

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