Friday, June 16, 2023

Chapter 8.3 - November 2022: Part I – Orinders Birthday

The Flansbarne family won't be the active household for this chapter, because when I checked the calendar (which I keep in a seperate spreadsheet...) I saw that it was someone's birthday.. and since I don't want to miss any of my sims birthdays, I have to go to the Chitrakaar-Bråheim household.. ;)

When leaving the Flansbarne household, Agathi, Ruben and Iselin is sleeping quietly in the bedroom, while Baturney the former Circus Director is stuck in his childhood, what little he had of it, and playing with the dollhouse..

Growing up with a travelling circus among wild animals and aerial artists, he quickly had to take on his duties as a performing artist and clown... And as much as he grew to love the circus life, he was always also envious of the other kids he saw as they travelled from town to town.. the normal kids, with a fixed home that grew up going to school with their childhood friends...

In the Chitrakaar-Bråheim household everyone is, of course, also sleeping safe and sound, dreaming sweet dreams of paintings, marriage and rockets flying off into space.. ;)

Gaute is the first to wake up this November morning and immediately runs downstairs to make breakfast. He has calmed down considerably after marrying Leya, but there is still a lot of wild blood left in his veins. ;)
Before he met Leya, he was a bit of a travelling bum, never staying to long in any one place and fulfilling his need for that adrenaline rush by doing all kinds of extreme sports. Off-piste skiing, bungee jumping from bridges, skydiving and base jumping from steep mountains, just to name a few...

Picture: Family photo of the extended Chitrakaar family.

It's also duing his wilder years as a young adult he met Ranveig Motorsen from Sunset Valley, and they had a very brief romance, if you can call it that, which resulted in a child, Robert-Bråge. Robert-Bråge is Oliver Freddys younger half-brother. Gaute eventually ended up in the town of Sprottenham, where he squatted for a while in the old abandoned house called "Gufo Triste", before he fell in love with Leya of the Chitrakaar family.

Picture: Gufo Triste at Greenacre Road 28 as it looked like in November 2021. It wasn't this rundown when Gaute used it as his home. Repost of image from chapter 1.0.

Leya at the time was in a relationship (but not married) with Glenn Hoddelås, and together they had a little girl called Bodil. Leya eventually split with Glenn and she and Bodil moved into the Rasmussen/Jensen household, together with Solvej, Patrik and their son Rune, just opposite of "Gufo Triste", and that's when she began noticing this odd fellow called Gaute..

Picture: Leya, Gaute, Patrik and Solvej outside their home, "The Millground House" at Greenacre Road 15, May 2021. Repost of image from chapter 1.4.

Gaute and Leya started dating, eventually going steady and Gaute moved in with them all and they eventually married. However, tensions rose in the household of now 6 people, mostly due to the inappropriate flirting behaviour of Patrik, which led to the decision that Gaute and the now pregnant Leya along with Bodil finally bought their own home where they currently live..

Picture: Leya leaving the hospital, November 2021. Repost of image from chapter 3.3.

And later the same year, Leya gave birth to her and Gautes first child, a baby boy they named Orinder, and it's his birthday we will be celebrating today.. ;)

While Gaute prepares breakfast, shouting is heard from upstairs. Bodil just got out of bed, and is very excited about watching stars in the night sky. Bodil is like most children, curious to learn new things, and has not yet decided what she wants out of life. She does to some extent mimic Leya and Gaute with being interested in painting and being an astronaut, but it is not at all set in stone what she will actually end up doing with her life...

Bodils happy thoughts about outer space quickly disappears as she walks downstairs to her mom's painting room. Bodils life is as happy as can be, given the circumstances, but there is still a constant look of sadness on her face. Gaute is a good stepfather for her, and she does like him, but it isn't the same nonetheless as having her real father there.

Anyway, Bodil forgets about it all for a while, as she gets up on the chair to play the Queen of her own country. She is not wearing her paper crown that she once had, because she lost it when they moved from Solvej and Patriks house at Greenacre Road. Even in the sim world, things are lost when you make a move..

Leya wakes up to Orinder crying because he is hungry, and Gaute is immediately on the spot as well, however just a few seconds to late. Gaute is a surprisingly good father figure, which is something the Narrator didn't really expect to see given his personality and past life as a relentless thrill seeker, but then again, Gaute himself was raised with lots of love from especially his nurturing mother, Leonora Bråheim, in the small mountain village of Dole Plains. Dole Plains is located about midway between Sprottenham on the east coast and Bewickton on the west coast.

Picture: The newborn Gaute Bråheim and his mother Leonora Bråheim, Dole Plains, November 1989.

Gaute has indeed taken after his mother, and is a very loving father.

His only problem is that sometimes he just gets to much adrenaline and will constantly run wherever he goes, even when carrying the baby down the stairs.. but his mom was also like this. Besides being a perfect nurturing mother, she got her thrills by putting out the fires of the town, sometimes even going there on the back of her trusted horse, Berit.

Picture: Leonora Bråheim riding on her her horse to put out a fire, October 1988.

And now that Agathi Jiggens is no longer an active sim, she took the step to pursue her dreams and switched career to become a full time writer. Congratulations! Sorry about the Norwegian text in the yellow pop-up, but that's basically what it says she did. ;) She took her son Ruben to the park on this fine, but chilly, autumn day to celebrate her new life. ;)

Leya and Gaute is already discussing the future of Orinder. Leya, of course, wants him to be a painter, like herself... and her father, Deepak... and her sister and Orinders aunt Udisha...

"Think about it Gaute, it would be so great. We could even send him to college to really learn how to master the arts!" Leya is very enthusiastic about painting and her young boys future.. so much so, that she has forgotten about her daughter for a while..

"Morning mom..." Bodil says unhappily after she finished her breakfast, still wearing her queen outfit, just minus the crown.. but mom is to busy discussing her last borns future to notice..

She walks over to them to try and get mom's attention, but is annoyed to have them flirting with each other instead..

Leya invites people over for the birthday party, while Bodil and Gaute discusses the theatre.

Then it's time for the party to begin, and the old trusted friends Patrik and Solvej are the first guests to arrive, as well as Baturney following just behind.

Other guests arrving include Gabriela Bedoya to the right and Fagidi Froosh to the left. Gabriela is Leya and Solvejs colleague at the Theatre, and also a singer in the choir The Sirens, also alongside Gabriela and Solvj. ;) Fagidi Froosh is a bit of a loser, with an unfulfilled dream of reaching the top of the military career.. sadly for him, he never had what it took, and is probably still cleaning the latrines of the other soldiers....

The fourth guest is Agnar Bergersen, a retired teacher that hates children...

The fifth guest is Selma Vaddelmyr, another colleague of Leya, Solvej and Gabriela at the Theatre, and yeah, also a singer in the choir "The Sirens". She is pregnant with her second child, and also the biggest slob in town.

Rune Rasmussen, Solvej and Patriks son, also showed up. He seems to be taking after his mother, so far, and is a virtuoso and a music lover. He could do without his mothers constant nagging to eat his vegetables, though... Solvej is a vegetarian with a strict adherence to a green lifestyle in most ways.. It's in her blood, sometimes literally, from how she was raised by her hippie parents in the Freetown Ciani Tharis in the capital Wad Nahadau..

Ciania Tharis is inspired by the real life [url=]Freetown Christiania[/url] in Copenhagen, Denmark.

For some reason the guests have decided to gather upstairs in Leya and Gautes bedroom. Well, of course they did, that's where the birthday child also is. ;) Baturney is like most politicians, utilizing his charisma to the fullest, and not drawing boundaries between the appropriate and inappropriate, as he hands a boquet of flowers to Gabriela..

Gabriela is happy to receive the flowers, but Leya is greatly disappointed by her friends acceptance of this flirtatious gesture..

Anne-Gerd Jørgensen is the seventh guest to arrive. Anne-Gerd is the clumsy and socially awkward colleague of Leya and the rest, and yeah, you guessed it... she is also a singer in the all-female choir, "The Sirens". Leya snuffs at her as she walks by... so typical of Anne-Gerd, not knowing which way to face when greeting someone. ;)

Solvej shows her musical and virtuoso side by providing entertainment for Rune, Fagidi and the 8th guest to the right, Dongmei Xie-Luo. Dongmei works in the military alongside Gaute and Fagidi, and both of them is way ahead of him in rank, even though he is much older...

All the guests have finally arrived, and it's time for the young one to age up. Gabriela and Gaute gathers with Leya in the kitchen to celebrate, while Agnar does his best to leave the room..
"Children everywhere.. uggh.. " ;)

Happy first birthday, Orinder. ;)


The young boy quickly shows a musical interest, as the first thing he did when he was finally able to crawl around on his own was to listen intently to Solvejs guitar playing, clapping and cheering and even doing a cute little toddler dance. ;)

That's quite impressive given that he has yet to learn how to walk..

It's a great birthday party for the young one. ;)

Poor Bodil is not finding it so great, though, being left to do the dishes while everyone is enjoying themselves in the living room.. it's tough being a kid, with the chores one has to do to please the parents..

"I'm sure it wouldn't have been like this if mom only would have stayed together with dad" she thinks.

Gaute is being his usual self, flexing muscles in front of Baturney. It's important to show who is the man of the house.. Baturney isn't to impressed, having grown up next to circus animals such as elephants, tigers and lions.. "My father and grandfather, they were real men" he thinks as he reminisces how they used to train the animals. "This guy is just a poser..."

Gabriela picks up Orinder to cuddle and talk to him. "You're such a sweet little boy. You and mama are more than welcome to our house. I'll invite you over to play with my daughters, Jess and Astrid. I'm sure you'll make the best of friends." (Gabriela has two twin daughters also in the toddler age stage.)

Dongmei also picks up Orinder to tickle him. Dongmei likewise would like to invite Leya and Orinder over, so that he can play with her twin boys, Hung and Jiang. Orinder doesn't understand a word they're saying, of course, but he is very happy to be picked up and showered with attention like that.

Bodil however, is not so happy... sometimes being the older sibling watching the younger ones steal the show can be rough.. Not very surprising, in the meantime Agnar has left the party. He said it was very fun, but there was perhaps a little to many kids present for his tastes...

Patrik also left the party saying it was very enjoyable. His wife Solvej stayed behind, still playing guitar, while Anne-Gerd finally got the courage to ask Gaute for a dance.

The pregnant Selma also left to go home and rest her back, while Fagidi tried to flatter his co-worker and superior Dongmei, asking her for a dance..

She accepted, but only out of politiness. Leya, nonetheless, was very happy to see him dance and enjoy himself. ;)

While they were dancing, Gabriela also left the party. "Thanks for inviting me, I had great fun, but I have to go home and look after my own toddlers now! Please come over one day with Orinder, I would love to have them meet him!"

Baturny, Solvej and Fagidi also had to leave the party, and after Fagidi has ran out the door, Dongmei made it clear what her true opinion of him is. ;) "Uggh... I can't believe I just danced with that loser..." -_-

Dongmei and Anne-Gerd are the only guests left now, and finally Anne-Gerd picks up Orinder to play with him. Anne-Gerd is not bad with children, but isn't very used to them, and lacks confidence in how to deal with them, so she was hesitant to pick him up until most of the guests had left.
    Anne-Gerd has no children of her own, and hasn't been very lucky with romance in her life. She has always come off as a bit awkward, and would more often than not typically get ghosted after just a few dates. It has started to wear on her confidence, making her seem even more inept at times, and so the downward spiral for her is allowed to continue...

Anne-Gerd is not at all as bad as she thinks she is. She has the same interest and musical talents as Leya, Solvej and her other colleagues and choir members, she is just to shy to truely show who she is. The limelight was never something she sought out, but with a little more confidence, and honestly, perhaps a make-over, she could shine just as brigth as anyone else. If only she knew...
    Regardless, she also had great fun at the party, and decided to leave after entertaining atleast Orinder for a while with her guitar playing, leaving Dongmei as the only remaining guest..

Dongmei wasn't much of an amusing guest at this point, as she repeatedly walked over to Leya to complain about her husbands lack of willingness and ability to do the dishes... Leya was entertained by Solvejs and Anne-Gerds guitar playing, but as Dongmei kept complaining, her thoughts turned a little darker...

Dongmei must have picked up on this, as she quickly put on her outerwear and high-tailed out of there, out into the cold November weather.

And with all the guests out of the house, Leya decided to entertain her boy with some guitar playing of her own, since he seemed to like it so much. ;)

No one had paid any attention at all to poor Bodil this day, but atleast she was in the dining room enjoying herself playing queen once more.. And she made sure to pass a law in her kingdom, stating that it was forbidden to leave children alone to do dishes all day while everyone else was dancing and having fun...

After Leya had played guitar to Orinder for a while, Gaute used his fatherly instinct to notice he was getting tired and came inside from jumping on the trampoline to put him in his crib.

Of course, full of adrenaline from doing tricks and backwards somersaults on the trampoline he couldn't walk while carrying him, but that was a given..

"Sleep tight and don't be aftaid my baby boy, your daddy will be here right next to you all night.."

While the boys of the house fell asleep, Bodil and Leya was still downstairs and Bodil finally got some attention from her mom, asking her to read a bedtime story.

Well, almost, because mom apparantly thought it was more important to eat another piece of cake instead..

So she didn't get her goodnight story, and went to bed alone that night... and it's getting clearer why Bodil looks so unhappy now..

Mother Leya however, was cheerful and thought this had been an amazing day and perfect birthday for her son, as she happily went to bed alongside her husband that was dreaming sweet dreams of being weightless in outer space... ;)

Good night. ;)

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