Sunday, June 4, 2023

Chapter 6.1 - March 2022 – Crime doesn't pay?

Shortly after february had turned to march, Baturney got up from his sleep in the middle of the night for a reason I didn't quite get, because there was nothing special going on that I could see that would wake him up. No burglar on the lot, and both Iselin and Ruben were silently asleep..

"I can hear someone playing ball in our unused bedroom across the hall" he told me. Oh.. of course, Gaute still hadn't left from visiting them..

So he joined him to play for a while, until Gaute figured out it was late and that he should go home to his own family..

Baturney went back to sleep, but it didn't last very long, because now Iselin had woke up and was crying for attention...

The parents had a short discussion about whose turn it was, before Agathi won or lost the discussion, depending on how you view it. :P

Baturney didn't go back to sleep, and simply decided to prepare breakfast.

Ruben woke up and wanted to play with his toys, but a little over halfway there he sat down to cry because it was still a little far to walk for the young one...

"Come on, you can do it, you're almost there..." Baturney said, "I have to watch these pancakes..."

After waking up once more to Iselin crying, Agathi figured that trying to sleep was pointless and went out into the living room to play with Ruben for a while.

And then I get the news that Solvej, Patrik and Rune has moved out of their home at the Millground Farm, but I get no notification about to where they have moved...

And as Agathi goes to eat breakfast and Baturney thinks its time to teach Ruben som toilet skills, I get several notifcations about the investments of the Gudmestad-Klinsmo couple. Robert and Sandra Gudmestad-Klinsmo are the towns head criminals, and all of a sudden they seem to have acquired some mysterious money....

Sykehuse Hellige Milt it is the Sacred Spleen Hospital.

Purchasing the hospital, a rental property and a new car just like that is not looking suspicious at all.. This must have something to do with the earlier incident where they sat parked in their 8-wheeled car-limo thing by the park.... well, I'll leave that for the police to solve, I'm not writing about crime and mysteries.. or am I?

Then finally I get a notification about where to the Rasmussen/Jensen family has moved to.

Their new home is the old Frumpenheimer house at Southfield road 15. What would instigate this move, I wonder?

I take a peak inside to overhear a conversation between Solvej and Patrik revealing that they had been saving up to do this for some time. "
    I am happy to make this move, as the house felt a little stale over at the Millground farm after Leya and Gaute moved out.." Patrik says. "And it looks like a perfect spot to build a new and better greenhouse..." Solvej fills in.

Patrik is happy for the new house, their son Rune, his wife Solvej and their soon to be born child, and gives her a bouqet of flowers.

Rune turns to his mom and talks about the new house and that he wants the room upstairs for himself. Rune goes upstairs to check out his new bedroom, while Patrik calls Solvej into the room next door.

Patrik can sometimes be a bit hot headed about Solvej talking to other men, even though she has no intentions behind it beyond friendly chatter. Solvej apologizes and tries to make up for it, but Robert rejects and walks out of the room, still upset.

Solvej shrugs it off as usual and goes for her guitar... So yeah, things weren't quite as harmonious in this household as I had hoped, but they are still together and expecting another child, so they must see something good in each other. Funny thing is, they never took the step to get engaged or married...


Back at the Jiggens household, Baturney has felt the lack of energy and gone for a nap. Agathi has been sleeping and wakes up, not fully rested, but good enough.

But of course, Baturneys rest didn't last very long, because Iselin was in need of attention. This made Baturney a bit sour, as he went to cook himself a meal.

Agathi didn't get much time to write on her book this month, but was nonetheless pondering ways to inject some action into the storyline. Slowly, but surely, she wanted the villain in her book to become increasingly aggressive and literally have all hell break loose once the book reached its climax. She was a bit of a pantser when it came to writing, though, preferring to let "the book write itself" guided by the characters personalities and motivations.
    She knew that her villain was a clever one that didn't want to reveal itself to soon, but when it did, it had to be something grandiously terrible. While Baturney is eating in the kitchen and Agathi goes back into the bedroom to play with Iselin and change her diaper, I go by the Chitrakaar-Bråheim household to figure out what they are doing.

Leya is wearing a different dress than usual, so I wonder if she is pregnant again, but then I realize that this is probably just one of her alternatives for everyday wear. The situation in this household looks harmonic as Orinder is asleep in his crib and Gaute and Leya keep flirting with each other. ;)

Bodil is not at home, she hangs out at The Harbor Park, where Leo just initated a water balloon fight with her.

Baturney wants to invite Leya over for a visit and make friends with Gaute, so he invites the couple over and is happy that they say they will be around shortly.

Leya, the always easily excitable one, is super happy to be invited over, and Gaute just has to do some boxing moves to prove his manhood or something... He does that alot when Leya and another man is present. ;) Leya doesn't pay any attention to this, though...

In fact, as Gaute rushes inside to take care of Iselin (he really likes the baby for some reason, and is super attentive to her needs), Leya begins flirting with Baturney, so it could be that Gaute has a reason to be concerned.

Luckily Baturney is not interested in Leya making any advances, and quickly changes to talk about a movie he saw last week.

Agathi just finished a long, relaxing bath, before getting ready to go to work, and just now she reacts to the door bell being rung.. a little slow today, maybe? :P

She walks into the bedroom to check after Iselin, and finds Gaute there and immediately begins to flirt with him. She can't help but be a little swooned by his ability to take care of children. Gaute sighs and looks away with disgust, before he picks up some dirt from the floor and eats it right in front of her.

"This usually makes the women lose interest" he thinks, but Agathi only becomes more intrigued and wants to do an inkblot test on him.

There is no time for her to perfom that though, because her colleague is honking impatiently outside and she has to go to work.

One hour later, Leyas shift also began. Leya and Agathi are both colleagues at the community theatre, but Leya is at a much higher rank in the career since she is actually interested in music. Agathi only has it as a job to sustain herself while waiting for her career as a horror and cime author to take off. So far it hasn't paid much....

Solvej is also a colleague of both of them, and has gone to work as well. Patrik is at the stadium practicing with the football team. Bodil is still at the Harbor Park playing with Leo. Rune has been busy baking lots of cookies, and has gone to the Festival Park to sell them.

In the background to the left are Leos parents, Jingguo and Dongmei out playing with their toddler twins Hung and Jiang. Its such a nice and mild spring day in the town of Sprottenham. ;)

Frumpenheimer, the new home of Solvej and Patrik is seen in the background of this picture, and a couple of wild horses is spotted running across their lot. It could be a mother and her foal.

Baturney adhering to his childish nature is outside playing tag with Gaute, until this fair day is abrupted by an incoming hailstorm and its time for everyone to go inside.

Gaute then switches to his swim wear because he is hosting a swim wear party while not being at home.. he also somehow sent an invitation to Agathi that now is at work. Baturney was super tired and decided to go to sleep, but Gaute wasn't having any of that.

"WAKEY WAKEY! NO SLEEP SUCKER!" he shouted through the megaphone "THIS PARTY HASN'T EVEN STARTED!"
Baturney is a mild mannered man, so he wasn't angry with Gaute, and just calmly went back to sleep. Somehow this fulflilled Baturneys wish of making friends with Gaute, and Gaute walks into the living room and begins to cry!

I have never seen him cry before, and at first I am caught by surprise wondering what could upset him, but he is now crying tears of joy for finally becoming friends with Baturney!

Agathi has returned from work and greets Gaute before she goes to eat by the dining table that is full of stinky, rotten leftover food...

Iselin is in need of care again, and Agathi is quickly on the spot to play with and cuddle the little baby.

But so was Gaute, even though Agathi beat him to it, and she has a really hard time understanding this man, why he would care so much about her daughter, even more than her own father.

Agathi goes to sleep while Gaute goes into the kitchen to do tricks on his ball. Baturney, though he is pretty exhausted now from lack of sleep, decides to clean up all the rotten food from the kitchen and the dining table.

Its getting late now, and Ruben has found his sleeping mat. Agathi makes sure to tuck him in, before going to the soon to be perfectly cleaned up kitchen to play video games...

But as she does so, I get a couple of more messages about the Gudmestad-Klinsmo households dubious investments... this time they have bought the grocery store (Alltidfrisk) and a new rental property... what organized illegal business have they been up to, to suddenly get these money? That could be something to look into for the next update about this usually peaceful coastal town...

Anyway, after having cleaned the entire kitchen Baturney goes to bed and finally gets some well deserved rest... Gaute thinks its late, and heads home to his wife and children, and everyone eventually goes to sleep. Nighty night. ;)

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