Friday, June 16, 2023

Chapter 8.2 - October 2022 – part II: Aftershock.


In the Jiggens/Flansbarne household the parents woke up on this rainy october morning to Iselin screaming in her crib.. Agathi was a little flabbergasted as she muttered still halfway asleep "You'll take this one, Baturney..."

He gave Iselin food in the baby chair, before making breakfast to himself in the kitchen. Agathi simply went back to sleep...

She woke up a little later, and was in need of a bath, but so was Baturney, so she spent some time teaching Ruben to talk while waiting. Baturney was dead tired still, so he returned to bed to get some sleep.

Agathi put on her workwear and sat down to eat a late breakfast while watching the news channel.

News reporter:
".... outside this abandonded peat factory on the outskirts of the small coastal town of Sprottenham, where an international human trafficking and smugglers league was just raided and shut down tonight and.."

This was very exciting news to Agathi the crime novelist! An international league of criminals, here, in her otherwise dull and peaceful hometown! Almost right at her doorstep! Unbelievable! She had to see this for herself!

She quickly scurried out the door and went for a taxi up to the old peat factory, this was so thrilling! She had to go there, observe and take notes, of course, hoping to find something that would give her inspiration for future novels!

"Wow, this really happened! There are police cars here, and the area is closed off! Well, if I just sneak under this band here, I am sure nobody will notice..."

Oh, this is so exhilarating! I'm walking right here, on the scene where some real crime and a police raid just happened!" Agathi was having a field day with this! She walked around the corner of the building, and stumbled across CSI Øystein Juell.

Ma'am, this area is closed to the public, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
Oh, what for? I'm just here on a morning stroll, you know, I find old buildings like this immensely fascinating.. I am also a writer and....
I understand, ma'am, but this is a crime scene.. I'm afraid you're going to have to leave. A
Oh, ok, I will uh.. leave shortly... just let me take a peak..

Øystein: No, you can't do that! You have to leave!
Ok, ok, I'll leave...

Øystein walked on in his direction, and of course, Agathi.. she didn't leave, she continued on her way, snooping around at the old factory..

She stopped by this window to take a peak inside, hoping to observe the investigators in action, when a police officer had spotted her and came running...

Police officer Anders Saleh:
Ma'am! Ma'am! You can't stand there! This is area is closed off to the public!

Agathi: Oh, I am sorry officer, I am just so fascinated by these old buildings...
: Ma'am! With all due respect, this is a serious crime scene not an amusement park! You should be happy I'm not arresting you for trespassing! You have to leave the area or I will take you to the station! Agathi: Alright, alright I'll get out of here...

I'll escort you out to make sure you do!

Even though she just almost got herself arrested, Agathi still found this to be a very stimulating experience! To bad she had to go to work at the community theatre again, because right now she could have almost killed someone to have the opportunity to go home and write! Well, almost!

While Agathi went to work, Baturney was still sleeping and Ruben and Iselin were playing with their toys.


Well, I did say that things would return to normal after all the recent events, but for some people a major earthquake just happened, shockwaves and all.. and there will probably still be aftershocks and ripples that spread out for years to come...

In the Gudmestad-Kiinsmo household Sandra woke up to young Mark crying, and was getting a little worried when her husband Robert hadn't returned this night like he used to.

She tried to call him on the phone this morning, and when nobody answered her anxiety levels increased even further. It all got even worse when she turned on the tv to watch the news that morning..


In the Sævik household, oldest daughter Edny, was eating an early breakfast, as she had been woken up by her younger brother Kolbjørn calling for mommy to change his diaper, but mommy was at the police station...


Father Vetle woke up alone this morning. He was used to his wife, Oda, getting home late, but usually she would be there next to him in bed by the time he woke up...

He felt something was off, but didn't have to much time to think about it yet, because in addition to his oldest daughter, he had two young boys to take care off. First little baby Gøran needed feeding and socializing, before it was Kolbjørns turn..

Edny was watching the action channel alone this morning. Someone was missing in the couch... Vetle had sat down on the couch to watch tv with his daughter, when he got a phone call...

Sævik, hello.
Phone voice:
Vetle Sævik? Hello, this is officer Lamshey Trazlacat, Sprottenham police.. I am calling you in regards to your wife, Oda Sævik..

Hello? Yes, my wife? Where is she? Has something happened? Is she ok?
Your wife is doing fine, given the circumstances... she's at the police station, in our custody..

Why!? What happened!?
Lamshey: Your wife, there is no way to say this with ease... she is under arrest being charged for kidnapping, human trafficking, smuggling, trade and possession of illegal goods...
Oh god... oh god.. we have.. oh no.. oh no... oh no...
You didn't know about your wifes partaking in these operations, sir?

: No, I... I.. I didn't... I didn't know it was this.. Can I come see her?
I am sorry, I cannot grant your request at this moment...


Listen, I have a number you can call if you should need someone to talk to...
Ok... ok.. I.. I really need to see my wife, I really need to..
We will keep in touch and let you know when you can come see her, is that alright?

Alright, I guess.. I guess so..
Like I said, I have a few numbers you can call.. I suggest you get an attorney for you and your wife.. I'm afraid this is.. this is very serious..

Am I going to be charged with something?
No, not as it looks right now.. I suggest you talk to someone, and we will be in touch.
Vetle: Ok, ok.. I will do that..
We will keep you informed about your wife. Take care, Vetle, and we'll be in touch. Ok, bye. Vetle: Bye....

What's happening? Who was that on the phone? Where's mommy?
Mommy, she is... she's at the police station..

The police station? Why is she there? Did she get arrested!?
Vetle: Well, yes.. mommy she has been... she has been doing some really ...some really bad things..

I don't care, she's my mommy, I want to see her! When will she come back home?
I don't know sweetie, I don't know.. I think mommy will... mommy will be gone for a long time now...

**** Meanwhile, all of the victims had now left the hotel and found their new homes...

Danica Tomren had moved into this house at Crewe Street 1 just opposite of Harbour Park together with Elisa Meek.

Reading a book in peace and quite in your own kitchen, without having to slave all day for someone else, isn't it nice?

The other kids, George Alnuman, Ingolf Dybdal and Even Foss had moved into the North Sunderland private orphanage run by the couple Fred and Wanda Westgård on the outskirts of town (just above the North Sunderland beach) where they so far appeared to live happy days.

The couple outside after kissing in the rain.

Ingolf and Even were running outside to play in the treehouse.

George was in one of the kids rooms playing on the computer.

Ada Dalhaug had moved into Mitchell 12 and was currently on the lookout for someone that would hire her.

Adas new home.

Eilif Sagstad had moved into Mitchell 11 just opposite of Ada, and was also currently unemployed.

Eilifs new home.

Wendy Strandheim had moved into Dunstan View 9, just opposite of the school, and was currently looking for a job.

Wendys new home. The government/town council had granted them all a bit of cash and cheap loans to buy homes for themselves.


In the Jiggens/Flansbarne household Baturney eventually woke up to give Iselin some food before his wife got home. Ruben had gotten tired and was already in bed.

Agathi made sure to also put Iselin in her crib, before it was time for the adults to do some house chores.

After they had cleaned the bathroom Agathi was having some brilliantly evil ideas after the visit to the peat factory earlier, and finally she had some time to sit down to write and get them all out of the system..

My sims know what's going on! ;)

Later that night Wendy Strandheim was seen shaking it off and enjoying her new found freedom on the dance floor at The Elegant Flame, before she quickly changed into a fire fighting uniform, so she is no longer unemployed.

After writing for a while, Agathi eventually got tired and went to bed, though Baturney was still up playing with the doll house, after having slept pretty much all day...

Anyway, I think with this, it is time to say good night to our friends here, for now. ;)

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