Friday, June 23, 2023

Chapter 10.2 - February 2023: (Almost) no news is good news...?

The shortest month of the year went by relatively fast and without any real major events..

Bodil woke up this morning and was excited about cooking recipes..

Leya and Gaute both had to sleep in this morning, so there was noone there to tell her to eat breakfast before going to school. Instead she played queen for a while by the dining table until the school bus honked and it was time to go. The mailman was angry this morning as Leya and Gaute was late with paying their bills again...

Bodil greets her friend Samira Klinemann before entering the school building.

Gaute feels a little guilty about his flirting with Selma last month and decides to lay low with that for a while, hoping to forget about it.. He still wants to kiss Selma for a while, but the wish fades eventually..

Leya wakes up to practice her drawing skills and feed Orinder.

Bodil isn't to interested in the hospital she got for a christmas gift..
"The hospital was a really stupid gift. I'm almost twelve! I stopped playing with dolls a long time ago! Grandpa probably meant it well when he bought the hospital doll house, but it was a really lame gift... Doll houses are for toddlers and small kids!"
..but atleast Orinder still finds it interesting. ;)

Gaute has found another use for the stereo, so instead of inviting Selma over once more, he distracts himself with working out, which he pretty much does for the rest of the day..

Leya decides to begin potty training for Orinder. Now that he has learnt how to walk, it would be pretty nice to relieve him off the diapers.. not to mention, to relieve the parents of having to constantly change them! ;)

Today was excursion day at the theatre for Bodil and her class, and she leaves it just before Leya enters it to go to work.

However, they don't pass each other on the way.

When Bodil comes home from school, she wants to hang out with her friend Edny, but Edny is busy at her after school activity.. so she goes into moms hobby room to do homework again..

Baturney Flansbarne, the husband of Agathi Jiggens, just got promoted and is now a part of the town council. He went over to the Harbor café after work to celebrate it by eating cake. ;)

His wife was on her usual daily stroll with Ruben in the park. Also in the park is police officer Jingguo Xie-Luo with one of his twins Hung (if I'm not mistaken, I mean, they're twins.. :P)

It looked like spring came early to the town as Selma had gone to entertain a few people at the Harbor Park.

Her husband Christoffer was seen a little further away accompanying her on the drums. :P

Bodil went to visit her friend Edny after she had finished her afte school activity, but when she came there they had left and nobody was home.. but atleast she got a nice bike ride back and forth across town in the february sunset...
    It happened from time to time that the Sævik family wasn't at home, as they would as often as they could afford it travel down to Sunset Valley to visit Ednys mom in prison...

When Bodil came back home again, she wanted to hear a good night story. Somehow she is still not to old for that. ;) Since mom was at work, there was noone else to ask but Gaute. He hadn't flirted with Selma this month, so maybe he wasn't so bad (even though he was smelly from having worked out all day..)

This time Bodil chooses to have the bedtime story read for her in Leya and Gautes bed, before she goes to sleep in her own bed for a change. ;)

When Leya gets home from work, she immediately puts Orinder in his crib before going to sleep, but Gaute picks him up again, because she forgot to feed him.. :P

"I can't believe she could be this unattentive, but don't worry little man, daddy is gonna feed you..."

So yeah, he takes him downstairs and makes sure he gets fed, before he takes him back up to the crib and goes to bed..

...and that was pretty much it, that was what happened on this most ordinary month of months. Good night. ;)

Bonus image:

Even if Edny wasn't at home, Bodils bike trip across town also gave a nice view of the light house and the moon as it rose up to light the sea (in case the light house would be out and not do it's job...)

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