Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Chapter 3.2 - October 2021 - The Mysterious Limo

It was an early October morning when Gaute started to get the hang of this trampoline thing, doing somersaults in mid air.. or well, it was more like still night time, but Gautes sleep schedual has gotten a bit off lately, going to bed very early and waking up very early.

 Then morning was soon here and.. oh wow, what is this? Someone just parked a limo outside by the park.

The driver of the limo is Robert Gudmestad-Klinsmo, he is a local criminal and a thug.. why is he sitting as a driver of a parked limo at 5:30 in the morning? This is definately a bit suspicious...

..and stranger yet, inside the limo is another woman sitting at the drivers seat of a car. Her name is Sandra Gudmestad-Klinsmo.

I assume she must be his wife... but last time I had anything to do with Robert he was not married and free as a bird, so I don't know where he found her, what role she plays in this, and why she has a car inside the limo..... but they are likely up to something, I should think.

As Gaute is making breakfast, the limo is visible from the kitchen window, and it is just standing there as if waiting for someone or something. Mysterious.

As morning progresses and people are waking up to to a new day and some are going to the park, the limo is still standing there. This is local resident Dongmei Xie-Luo entering the park carrying her son Jiang Xie-Luo while staring at the limo with a worried and strange look on her face.

She is making some really gigantic and worried eyes. It's clear she is uncomfortable with the presence of that limo.

Then when the sun is up and the trees have started to cast shadows, Robert and Sandra get out of the limo-car-thing. The limo-car-thing then drives off and they walk in each their direction. Robert walks into the park, and Sandra walks off in the other direction to go home.

Robert in the park talking about summer vacation with Leo, Dongmei's son. Dongmei is no longer making those worried eyes, now that the limo-car-thing is gone, but she makes sure to keep her distance from Robert.

Sandra has gotten rid of the jacket she was wearing and put on a t-shirt. She is also pregnant, probably about to give birth soon from the looks of it..

I followed Sandra with her pregnant waddle to see where she walked, and she went right in that open door. A sign by the door says Robert also lives there now. He used to live alone plotting his evil deeds in the brown fenced in brick house just opposite of hers. So since last time I saw him, he has married and moved in with his neighbour and made her pregnant... or maybe it was the other way around..

Now I must look at what he is doing...

He's still in the park talking to Leo. Dongmei is not with them anymore, but the man standing in front is Jingguo, Leos father and Dongmei's husband. He is holding Hung on his arm. Hung and Jiang (that Dongmei was carrying) are twin brothers.

I do an inquiry to find out if Robert is still a criminal, and he certainly is. It says he is now at rank 9 of the criminal career. He is well on his way to fulfilling his lifetime wish as a criminal mastermind.. up to no good...

Maybe Leya was right about Bodil not going to the park alone...

Anyway, here is Gaute doing more tricks on the trampoline. He is now doing somersaults and backflips and whatnot.

Leya has a perfect view of Gaute and the trampoline from the dining table.

Art and painting dominates the conversations of the family, also in their new home...

Gaute visited „The Burnt Hot Dog“ to get a tattoo from tattoo artist Kristiane Sevaldsen.

Oh, and there is a policeman there. And this police man I recognize as Glenn Hoddelås. This is Bodils father. I guess he is no longer on the football team then... what's he doing at the tattoo shop?

Being a handsome police officer and handing out flowers to elderly women, that's what...

Kristiane: Where do you want your tattoo, Gaute?

Gaute: On my biceps, of course!

 Gaute: I got these wolves howling at the moon. It represents the free spirit in me that can't be tamed!

Hmm, ok... that's uh.. cool, dude..

Leya is a very tender and sensitive soul. She just finished watching the romance channel, but this time it was a very sad ending..

The weather for the remaining half of october is pretty bad. Autumn is truely here now.

Solvej just called Gaute and asked if he wants to go on a date..!

Gaute: No way, Solvej! I am married to Leya, and you know that!!

Hmm, her relationship with Patrik can't be going so well.. *

Leya almost got a bulls eye on the darts.

* And I just realized I forgot to check up on how Solvej and her family was doing this month, sorry about that! I'll blame on the limo for distracting me! Will check up on them next month..

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