Thursday, May 18, 2023

Chapter 2.8 - July 2021: Summer Holiday - the final days - Back to home base.. and then..?

 The morning after a great party knowing things have come to an end can always make you feel a little empty..

„My first beach party ever. What a vacation this was after all.. now I am little sad it is ending and we have to go home..“

..but the always enthusiastic Leya has a wonderful reaction to her daughter as she is about to play Queen once more. I love it when they react like that.

Gaute is a good step-father and consolidates Bodil for being a little sad because they have to go home.

Back in Sprottenham....

Of course, on the way home they go the same route, by rental car and plane, only backwards.. and no car or plane crashes this time either...

...and once they are back home in Sprottenham they see that Solvej has been hard at work building a greenhouse for her plants!

„Now my plants can grow all year round!“ she says, before she sings a little song to her tomato plant. :)

Inside Patrik has turned on his charm to welcome Queen Bodil with open arms. Bodil looks to her mom as she examines the coating on the wall.. and I hear lots of laughter from outside..

Oh, Solvej has found a new to have fun, playing with the sprinklers. :)

Gaute reveals to Patrik the familys intention of moving out and the reason why... Patrik is not happy about this, since he and Solvej have been so hospitable and letting them stay with them...Their relationship bar is in the red, and has been going that way for a while, so maybe it's time to go...

Patrik answers to Gautes statement by complaining about Bodil...

Gaute yawns at Patrik's complaining. Gaute thinks Bodil is a lovely kid and is really happy to have her as his step daughter.

Then Patrik starts to yell at Bodil for no good reason, and that was the last drop for Gaute...

Gaute gets out his phone to figure out what is for sale, and quickly bids on a new house. A few days later, contracts are signed, money is paid, and the family is ready to make their move...

Unfortunately this means that from now on we're going to have to leave Rune and Solvej (with her garden and unborn child) behind. And, well, Patrik too. But its probably much better for all of them in the long run...

„Off we go!“ says Gaute. He really can't wait to make it out of there...

Goodbye to Greenacre Road 15...

..and hello to Cliffon 11!

„This is our new home!“ says Gaute.

Leya is hungry from moving and goes straight for the kitchen. The house is furnished, but perhaps a little empty looking at the moment, but I am sure they will be able to make it something of their own and feel right at home after a while.

„I think we should get some different wallpapers.. I see lots of things I want to change already“ Leya thinks.

„Oh, this is wonderful Gaute! We got a home right next to the park!“ Bodil says while giving Gaute a hug. And yes it is true, their home is right next to the Cliffon park at the end of the street with the same name. It's not a bad area at all!


Gaute: I salute you, Captain Bodil, Commander of the Chitrakaarian Empire!

Gaute, of course, really likes this, to have a step daughter showing signs of enjoying the outdoor life, just like he does. May the park be her new kingdom, and may she reign supreme and live a long and prosperous life. ;)

Leya has found a small office room on the first floor. It would perhaps be a great place to turn into an art room for her to do her drawing and painting.

Bodil wants mom to read a bedtime story. Leya gets a little emotional when she goes upstairs and sees how spatious this home is compared to their previous one (and there's no Patrik to behave inappropriately...). There are four pretty large bedrooms upstairs, a bathroom and a small living space area that leads out to a balcony. And they have it all to themselves!


Gaute watching sports on tv downstairs. „Hmm.. I want to move this tv set so I can sit on the couch while watching instead of having to stand...“

But when he turns it off to go to bed, it immediately breaks...

„Nevermind that.. I want to throw out this old junk and get a new one that works!“ he thinks while freaking out..

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Bonus stuff:

 Family map/tree to show the complicated relations of the sims living in different towns..

Additonal bonus stuff:

It's some old video from 2015 (in the story time line. ;)) in Sprottenham. Currently they are in 2021. 

At that point in time, Leya was not with Gaute, but with Bodils father, Glenn Hoddelås... and she had not yet moved in with Solvej and Patrik. That didn't happen until after she broke up with Glenn. Gaute was still a daredevil, party animal, "traveling bum"...

I tried to put names on everyone in the video when they show up. You will not know about all of them from the story line I have posted, but they are some of the Sprottenham inhabitants...

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