Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Chapter 1.2 - March 2021 - Spring festival and the life of Gaute...

After a period of strong winds and heavy rain at the end of february, snow made its return again in early March. Gardening season wasn't here yet.

Since she couldn't do any garden work yet, Solvej had bought a music box to soothe herself with..

And Gaute was eating dirt from the floor...

Then Leya and Gaute decides to get romantic..

Very romantic...

Leya: Let's make babies...
Gaute: Oh hell yeah!!

Gaute just can't help himself.. this is the kind of guy he is..

Hmm, the ice cream truck must be out early this year..
The crib in the background is Bodils old crib, and for some reason they haven't thrown it out yet..

Rune: By Kraken... pirates on port side!! Man the cannons!!

Gaute was invited to a party over at Karoline and Kabelo Gundersens house. Dresscode: Swimwear. And of course, Gaute wasn't the kind to say no to a party. Especially not a swimwear party. He used to host quite of few of those when he still lived in "Gufo Triste", and they used to get quite wild, too. I'm sure the only thing keeping complaints from neighbours at a low level back then was the lack of actual neighbours..

Picture: Karoline Gundersen is an opinionated and temperamental woman.

Gaute has a soft spot for temperamental women in bikinis (or maybe just women in bikinis..), so he tries to flirt with her, but to no success.

Solvej Rasmussen dumpster diving after finishing her shift at the community theatre. Findings: A japanese beetle and a Zephyr butterfly.

The dumpster diving made her sick and in need of a bath, and of course afterwards the bathtub broke.

By mid-March the rain was back and the snow had melted again. Spring was beginning to make its arrival..

By late March it was time for spring festival, but it was quite the rainy experience.. Probably why both Rune and Bodil decided to run towards the toilet even though none of them were particularly in need of going. Atleast the toilets would provide shelter from the rain..

Bodil: (standing in front of a toilet stall) I'm not enjoying this spring festival.. it rains to much..

Gaute and Solvej didn't let the rain stop them, though.

Leya didn't mind them dancing, and decided to get her face painted.

So did Bodil, but she still wasn't very happy about the rain and decided to go home afterwards.

Patrik was the only one that wasn't at the spring festival grounds, because he had a match to play at the stadium. Atleast the Sprottenham Totspurs won that match, 7-4. Good going!

Rune decided to go for face paint too. Hmm, yeah..uh, what can I say... looking good, your Royal Highness. :P

After the match Patrik could join the spring festival too, and decides to flirt with Leya. It still doesn't lead anywhere.. you're so inappropriate. Both of you are married...

Yup, there you go. Solvej finally saw what was going on and had a reaction.

Then she runs over to talk to the food stand clerk. "I'm going to be a star one day", she says.

Gaute is still over at Karoline Gundersens party talking about rain. Well, what else is there to talk about...

Leya and Rune had gone home, and then the rain let up. Patrik was searching for eggs.

The food stand clerk had started a water balloon fight with Solvej. Eventually, Solvej also went back home to play guitar outside again. Patrik stayed behind to continue his egg hunt..

Leya was inside with Rune and Bodil, and both of them competed about making her read a bedtime story for them.

At 6:30 in the morning, Gaute the party animal was still over at Karoline Gundersens house, and now she was mad at him for not having gone home yet..

Gaute, you can't flirt your way out of everything.. and you have to be at work in.. well, 15 minutes!

Straight from the party and off to work... The life of Gaute.

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