Monday, May 15, 2023

Chapter 2.4 - July 2021: Summer Holiday - Day 5 - Hanging out with siblings (kind of).

On day five of their summer holiday (day four of their stay) Gaute had found the stereo in the hotel room, starting his morning with a little dance to a classical piece, „Summer Moods“ by William von Siimhoven.

 Pregnant Leya was still asleep for well into the morning, probably needing all the rest she can get.

Someone must have forgotten to lock the door to the tattoo joint in the basement after closing time, as Queen Bodil had found her way down there to hold a speech to her court.

„I really want to work out“ says Gaute. „Is there a gym in town?“

And I'm thinking.. „Dude, chill.. you're on vacation..“, but there's no stopping him as he heads out the door to look around the downtown area for a gym.. It doesn't take him long to find one located at the spa. I'm hoping this one workout session will fulfill his needs for physical activity, so that he won't be spending the rest of their stay there working out..

Gaute entering Bewickton Spa.

Uggh, I hate these athletic types. ;)

Leya had phoned up her siblings, Udisha and Palash, to hear if they could meet up, but they were both at work (apparently not on holiday yet), so that would have to wait.

Then she thought that they could visit Bodil's uncle Bhavan at the fire station as it was located just behind the hotel. Bodil had never been to a fire station before, so that should be exciting for her. Bodil was fast to go, and was already running ahead.

Leya: Hey, * pant pant * wait up!

Probably not that easy to run fast when you're carrying an extra growing body inside of you.

Leya: Bhavan is downstairs in the workout room, let's go there.

Bodil: I'm already on my way, mom..

Leya: Hello, brother, long time no see! It sure rains a lot here in Bewickton!

Bodil was not to interested in this fireman stuff and has noticed there is an easel on the lot and wants to go paint instead.

I don't know what Bodil will be when she grows up, but.. probably not a fire fighter.

Vemund Rokne: Oh, hi, you must be Leya, Bhavans brother, the singer from Sprottenham. I am Vemund, I work here. Nice to meet you.

Leya is flattered, and feels a little famous. Her brother must have talked about her...

Ali Gates hears that she is a singer and wants to dance with her.

Being the sister of the most popular man at the fire station will probably guarantuee her attention.. just look at that grin on his face.. but Leya, I thought you went there to visit your brother, not mingle with the other guys at the fire station....

Leya may be a singer, but she is not a dancer... she is a little clumsy, stepping on his feet over and over..


Upstairs Bodil has finished her painting. „I have painted Bewickton, and the plane we came here by“ says Bodil.

Leya tries again to invite Udisha and Palash to the festival lot. They should be finished working by now..

Udisha agrees to meet up, but Palash declines saying he had some important business to do. I suppose that should be expected. Palash has always been a little difficult and different from the other siblings.

 „Hi, sis! Let's go to the movies!“ Udisha says immediately.

Leya and Udisha share many of the same interests, and continues to talk about theatre, music and movies.

Bodil is hungry and joins an eating contest. To the left is Kjersti Jordal, she was part of  a household known as „The Party Household“ with a group of other party animal young adults, but moved out when she had a baby with one of the local celebrities, Birger Bolstad. This forced her to clean up her act a little, and she has since gotten a job as a teacher at the local school. She still enjoys a good night out on the town every now and then, though.

Gaute is till at the gym working out. Aren't you exhausted yet? Wow, you've got some stamina!

Bodil is doing good in the contest, out-eating the adults. I think we've got a winner! ;)

„Ha! I am the best!“ says Bodil, and punches a hole in the table...

I'm sure Udisha and Leya could stand here talking like this all night. The sisters are very similar and get along perfectly. So much to catch up on, so much to talk about.

Bodil: Want to hear a ghost story?

Kjersti: Oh, yes, I would love too.

Kjersti has always had a soft spot for children (amidst all her partying ways), and is excited that Bodil wanted to approach her to tell a ghost story. She loves it when children get creative, they have such a vivid imagination.

„I am a winner! I am Queen of the World!“ Bodil thinks before she starts telling her ghost story. Winning the eating contest over all the adults has given her quite the confidence boost.

Eivor Mortensen, the towns local stylist, comes over and starts a water balloon fight with Bodil.


Udisha has gone to practice some football. Leya thought it was best to not get to physical since she was pregnant and all, and decided to sit down and chill with an ice cream instead.

 Poor Kjersti isn't doing to great. One to many hot dogs from the eating contest, maybe.. Because you know, I can't have an update without a vomiting sim...

Udisha finished her football practice, and heads back towards Leya to join her relaxing on the bench as Leya gouges down on her second ice cream for the night...


Gaute just drove past the festival grounds, he is finally done with his work out too, and is heading back to the hotel for the night.

Shortly thereafter it starts raining, and Leya decides it's time for her and Bodil to go home as well.

Now lets hope this rain will have stopped by tomorrow, because then it's time for the Summer Festival Day in Bewickton! ;)

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