Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Chapter 2.7 - Summer Holiday Day 8 - Gautes Beach Party...

 At the breakfast table this morning party animal Gaute gets an idea.

Gaute: As this is our last day here, I think we should go to the beach and throw a massive beach party! We can invite everyone in town and have a blast!

Leya: I suppose you will be sending out the invitations then...

Gaute: Oh, no problem.. I'll just head to the park and talk to a few people and let the grapevine do the rest..!

Leya: I'm not all convinced... I was thinking we should instead visit my parents one last time..

Gaute: Don't be so boring, Leya.. we'll of course invite them too! And all of your siblings and even Dudleif! Everyone in town will be invited! It's going to be the party of the century!

Leya: Well if you're that optimistic about it..

And so Gaute went to the park doing his thing and gazing at the ladies.. Leya phoned up her parents and told them about Gautes idea (as well as talking enthustiastically about painting of course) and they agreed to meet up later. (The guy in the background is just a random hotel guest. He could have been a plant for all I care.)

And then she took Bodil to the art gallery... Leya was super happy about going there. Bodil? Not so much... Bodil enjoys painting like almost the rest of her family, but the art gallery is still some boring adult stuff...

At the park Gaute has sniffed out fellow party animal Kjersti Jordal, and informs her about his idea. She thinks its pretty wild, and promises to spread the word to the towns people.

Later in the day after lots of talking and handshaking...

 Wow! It looks like Gautes' plan is working! A lot of people have showed up already!

Of course, Gautes' first idea there is to go for a swim..

A food stand clerk heard rumors about the party about to happen and thought he would seize the opportunity and set up shop there. Also, the town council was kind enough to place some festival toilets and trash cans. After all, they didn't want the beach party goers to *ahem* make a mess out of the lot... „Keep Bewickton clean and tidy!“ is one of their many mottos.

Laranya is impressed at what she is seeing. „Wow, that boy Gaute really is one of a kind, isn't he?“

„Wooow, look at all those people on the beach! Did Gaute really put all this together?“ Bodil is also impressed.

I don't know who you guys are, but yeaah, let's get this party started! Deepak is seen talking to Palash right behind and to the left of this dancing couple. Udisha is also there with the pink flower on her hair.

And there are paparazzis of course. I'm guessing this overly sunburnt dude there is a celebrity of some kind.

This is almost the entire Østreng family, from left to right: Emilie, Christina, Tron, Simone (being carried) and Kjellaug. Christina (being really excited in the cheerleading outfit..) was Nityas date for her prom night. This is the family that lives in the most weather exposed home in all of Bewickton at Outwash Point.

The Østreng familys home at Outwash Point. I wouldn't want to live here when the winter storms set in!

Grandmother Laranya has some gossip to share with Bodil. Maybe its something about Dudleif... Leya is also going for a swim.


Leya and Gaute out swimming, and the store clerk way in the back there got his first customer. Lets hope business is good.

This makes me think that Gaute is trying to replicate that one scene from the sims intro, to see if it is virtually doable to make something like that... and the couple by the stereo just pulled out some grey board or something to dance on. „We can't get sand in our shoes“ they say....

Palash is dancing with Chase Bayless. Finally I see the dude do something and enjoying himself instead of just being weird. :P

Kajsa Tangstad from the band „The Bushweeds“ is also there getting her groove on. Where are the rest of your band members? :) Wouldn't they also love a party?

I find two of them outside the old Railway Station pub along with their friend Isabell Kolstø. They were in the middle of a discussion on where to spend this night out when Gerda eventually convinced them to head for the beach party. How often does a tourist come along and arrange a massive beach party in Bewickton? As far as any of them knew, practically never! So of course, this was an event they couldn't miss out on.

Some people, perhaps because they are a little shy and reserved, decided to go for a swim on the opposite end of all the spectacle. And the woman thinking about kisses is Kjersti Jordal, our party animal and teacher from earlier. I don't think you're going to find anyone to kiss for the night standing there.. you're gonna have to join the party! ;)

Bodil playing in the sand.

„Yeaaaah, let's partyyy!“ Shouts Gerda. The other two aren't all that excited yet. Merete is perhaps hoping to find love.

Eventually the family gets hungry and buys food from the food stand clerk.

Leya: We really won this night, didn't we?

Bodil: I don't know.. when I get back to the hotel, I'm going to brush my teeth.


Gaute: Oh, it's so great to spend time outdoors together, don't you think?

„I like the theatre better“ says Leya.

Leya: Haha, I'm just kidding! It's really nice to eat out with you on this bench by the beach.

Bodil: I'm going to get me another hamburger!

Wow, biggest eater in the family right wonder she won the hot dog eating contest earlier.. ;)

Gaute: I think this party could do with some fireworks!

Gaute: ..will you help me out here, Leya? …..Leya?

She didn't run away completely. She came back and helped him out.


Gaute: Hooh! Hooh! Hooh! Am I the man, or am I the MAN?

Gaute was really proud of himself now.

„That was amazing, Gaute!“ cheers Leya.

After the fireworks it started to empty out a little on the beach, the party had after all been going on for several hours already, and people probably saw that as the grand finale, but someone still kept it going. Look at grandpa go! :D

„Oh, that Gaute probably isn't so bad..“ thinks Nitya. Kajsa is still having a blast.

Laranya thinks she is the queen of arcade machines.

„Oh, that firework was a great finale to my party! It pleases me that there are still people down on the beach having fun, but now I want to go back to the hotel“

Wow, are you starting to feel the age Gaute? Usually as I got to know you, you would be far from one of the first to leave a party..!

Leya is pregnant and more tired than you, and she wants to go for another swim.. looks like the party isn't completely over yet.. I'll just let them keep going and see how long they last..

Well, that's a party killer right there.. Chase Bayless (to the right) has had enough of this and heads home.

Bodil is with Gaute in the hotel lobby.

Gaute: Come along now, Bodil, it's time to go to bed! We have a long day of travelling home again ahead of us tomorrow...

 Leya is still out swimming, but is headed onshore and is about to go back to the hotel as well.

The party is dying out on the beach as well, so I think it's time to say goodnight once more.. but it was a good one, and most of the guests had a splendid time!

 Kjersti Jordal, the teacher and Gautes fellow party animal, was a major helper in arranging the party, because Gaute didn't have that as an option, so he needed a local to do it. Here she is at home after the party, and I think she looks pretty happy about it.

„Oh, what a great night this was and what a perfect way to end our vacation!“ Leya thinks before going back to the hotel.

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