Saturday, May 13, 2023

Chapter 2.2 - July 2021: Summer Holiday Day 2 - Visiting Leyas parents

Bodil was the first to wake up and make use of the hotel rooms rather limited kitchen facilities. No proper cooking oven, just a microwave in the corner, which probably meant that they would either be eating out, or having dinner over at Leya's parents' house.

Well Bodil is a clever girl, and had of course taken note of a sign in the hallway that said "Dining Area".. the hotel actually has it's own fully equipped kitchen for all guests to use. So it 's only the hotel rooms that have no cooking oven, which makes perfect sense...

Mom and Gaute eventually join her for breakfast.. and yeah, Bodil is indeed a very clever girl, doing her homework even during summer vacation..

And after breakfast it is time for them to visit Leyas' parents. And here's another amazing thing, their rental car looks just like their car at home! ;)

This is the home of Leyas' parents and where Leya grew up with her two sisters and two brothers. Hmm, I see no cars parked outside, I hope they are at home..

Leya is very happy to finally be back home and see her mom again. She can see her mom through the window.

Leya: Hello, mom!! Here I am!!

But its her father Deepak that comes to open the door. Deepak is just like Leya, a painter and an artist. And their home is very well decorated..

Deepak: Welcome back home, Leya! Nice to see you again! Come on in!

 Then they all go inside, and Deepak and Leya naturally have a conversation about art.
Gaute and Bodil are strangers to Laranya and Deepak (yes, it's been that long since last time Leya was home).

 Gautes first words to Deepak expresses a need to work out. Gaute and Leya are completely different characters, which is why it is so wonderful that they became a couple.

Deepak is understanding towards Gautes' need for exercise, he has a son that is just the same way. Then it is Bodil's turn to talk.

„You have a vey nice home“, says Bodil. She has never seen a house this decorated with paintings before.

Deepak: Your father, Gaute, he reminds me very much of my youngest son, your uncle, Bhavan. He is a fire fighter and very brave and strong. I'm sure the two will like each other.

 Bodil: Oh, I would like to meet uncle Bhavan as well. I have never spoken to a real fire fighter before, but Gaute is only my step father. My father is Glenn, and he is a football player. He is also very strong and brave.

Deepak: Oh, I see, I'm sorry, I thought Gaute was your father. You would probably also like to meet your aunt, Nitya. She is like your mother, a very talented painter!

 Then everyone except Deepak go upstairs. Laranya is chatting with someone on the computer. Gaute locates the stereo to do an extreme dance and Bodil apparantly has more homework to do. Poor kid..

Leya has located the tv and the romance channel.

Deepak stayed downstairs to finish a painting.

Bodil: When we get back to Sprottenham, Gaute says we will buy a new home. I hope it is one just as nice as this one!

„Oh, thank you little Bodil. I am sure it will be“ says grandmother Laranya.

Bodil: And then Patrik can stop thinking about flirting with mom. He's an asshole, I don't like him!

Gaute: Bodil, don't talk like that when we are visiting grandma...!

Gaute couldn't say he disagreed with the statement sometimes, but he couldn't let Bodil use such a language..

Laryana: Haha, you're a raunchy little one aren't you! But you should listen to Gaute, and and not use such foul words about others!

It looks like Leya is being a little raunchy too, she goes for a naked dip in her parents bubble bath. Leyas parents are quite rich nowadays, but the bubble bath in its own bath house is a recent addition. They didn't have all that luxury when Leya grew up.

Deepak: Oh, goody, goody, goody, look at little Bodil, goody, goody, goody!

Bodil: Uggh, grandpa...

Laranya: Oh, careful! You almost ran into me there!

Look at grandpa run! Bodil just started a game of tag with Deepak.

Don't wear out the old man now.. :P

Gaute has located the trampoline.

And then someone else is home. This is Nitya, Leyas younger sister, that Deepak talked about earlier. She is 21 years old and still lives at home with her parents 

 Nitya is also a painter, so she goes to do what she likes to do best, to paint in her room.

?? What is this supposed to mean, Bodil? Why are you booing at grandma?

 Something must have happened here that I didn't catch, because now Laranya is apologising to Gaute for some reason. She has the flirtatious trait, so maybe she flirted with him.

And then Gaute proceeds to worship Laranya. You guys are strange. She is your mother-in-law, not some Hindu Goddess! As far as I know anyway..

 Leya reveals to her father that she is pregnant. This picture is a little dim, because Deepak has the frugal personality trait and constantly keeps turning off the lights..

Then late at night, another one comes home. This is Bhavan, the fire fighter. He is 22 years old, and also still lives at home.

Where have you been, Bhavan, and why are you coming home so late? :P (It's 2:30 in the night).

Then the clock turns three, and Deepak thinks it's time for them to return to their hotel and they are pushed off the lot. Bodil sitting in the front seat is really tired, so it was probably about time they left.. nighty night. ;)

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