Sunday, November 5, 2023

Chapter 12.6 – November 2023 – Magical number two..


It was an early saturday morning in November, and the town lay peaceful and quiet.. The boats were still in harbour after waiting out yesterdays storm, and a lone raccoon awoke from it's slumber in a tipped over trash can... the only thing to temporarily interrupt the silence was an old grey car driving by on the still wet road..


The car belonged to local firefighter Wendy Strandheim, who was just about to start the morning shift at the fire station.. probably the only person awake at this hour...

It was a slow morning for everyone, and Patrik and Solvej could find some time to embrace each other while both of the toddlers were taking turns delivering a gentle snore to let the parents know they were still asleep and that the room still needed to be quiet and peaceful...

Patrik then took to practicing a few rounds on the football goal outside to make sure his ability to play didn't diminish completely now that he was no longer on the team as a professional player..


Solvej was in the kitchen preparing a fresh salad with self-grown ingredients while Rune slowly woke up from having spent another night in the guest bunk bed. He preferred to sleep there most nights now after grandma and grandpas visit.. Grandma must sleeping in the same bed must've had some effect on it, because everytime he checked under the bunk bed, there were absolutely no monsters.. unlike under his own..

    "Next time grandma visits she can sleep in my bed" he told Solvej as he went for the bathroom to take a shower.

    "Oh... why is that?" Solvej wondered. "Is there something wrong with yours?"

    "No.. mom, my bed is.. just fine. I'm only saying it because.. I think grandma should have the best bed.. that's all.."

He didn't want to admit to mom that he still believed that he was still afraid of monsters under the bed at the age of 12.. that would be to embarrassing.. he couldn't let anyone know..

    "Ok.. well, that's sweet of you." Solvej said adding a few more drops of olive oil to the salad. "Breakfast is ready soon, don't hog the bathroom to long now..."

    "Sure mom..."


Downstairs Lilian was still sleeping heavily, hopefully dreaming about something pleasant, while her sister Silvia had just woken up to scream "POOOOOPEEEY!!" as loud as she could hoping that mommy or daddy would hear it.. It was just loud enough for Patrik to hear from outside, but not enough to wake up Lilian, so she must be a pretty heavy sleeper from the looks of it..


    "Ooh... that was smelly. Have you been a good girl dropping a big one for daddy now?"

    "Poopey.. all gone" Silvia giggled in response. "Daddy... bye-bye! Bye-bye daddy!"

    "Oh no you little snugglenugget, daddy's not going bye-bye!" Patrik chuckled. "Daddy's got something for you..."


    "There you go! Now let's go out and score some goals!"

Silvia giggled as he threw her in the air one last time, before he carried her outside and put her down in front of the goal with a kiss..


"Make daddy proud now! Show'em what you got!"


..and she shoots! And she scores!

GOAL! Yay! Everyone in the crowd roars and cheers – red flares are blazing on the tribunes, the atmosphere is ecstatic! Flags are being waved all over the place and total strangers are hugging! The captain shouts of joy as he jumps up from the bench on the sideline and runs onto the field, fists in the air and still roaring loudly! Silvia Rasmussens name is on everybodys lips as the crowd chants her name! She is everybodys hero now! The top scorer on the Sprottenham Totspurs! The champion of all champions! The commentator is so excited he's almost at a loss for words! Never since the dawn of time have the world of football seen a more glorious day! Daddy couldn't be any more proud! ;)

Meanwhile the heros sister Lilian was finally awake to, from all the noise and commotion outside, and it was time for mommy to pick her up and bring her upstairs to the living room and the toys.

Without food and drink, even a hero can't work as the saying goes, so after having scored several goals and won everybodys hearts, the captain of the team did his best to make sure that the champion was well fed and taken care of. ;)


Rune wanted to hang out some more with Samira from last month. She wasn't as smart and imaginitve as Edny, but she was more fun to play with – and she wasn't as inappropriate and awkward as Jorunn.. so he called her up to invite her over to ask her to go with him to the park...

He just had to quickly run inside to fetch his foot-to-hand ball to bring with him before they would take the shortcut across the grass...


His father didn't approve to much of the foot-to-hand ball – it wasn't a real sport - like football he would say, but Rune didn't care to much.. Sometimes picking up the ball to run with it and throw it was really fun too. So he spent an entire evening with Samira in the park - throwing the ball and perfecting his technique. Foot-to-handball or rugby as some would call it was a sport too! ;)

While Rune ran to the park with Samira, Solvej was also on her way as she had just been invited to a party over at Christoffer Vaddelmyrs house, but Christoffer was of course not at home, so Solvej decided to take out her guitar and entertain everyone outside with this new song she just wrote... a song she had been carrying inside her for a while, a song about the future...


When we grow up, will I be pretty?
Will you be big and strong?
Will I wear dresses that show off my knees?
Will you wear trousers twice as long?
Well, I don't care if I'm pretty at all
And I don't care if you never get tall
I like what I look like, and you're nice small
We don't have to change at all

-"When we grow up", Diana Ross

..while Patrik stayed home to happily watch after the kids, the potential young football player and the potential musician..


When Christoffers party looked like it was coming to an end (it wasn't very exciting anyway), Solvej got another phone call and an invitation to a second party over at Leni Dahl-Blankblomsts house, one of her former colleagues from the music career.


This time she saw people through the windows, so she knew the doors had to be open this time. When she walked inside she saw that Leni wasn't at home either, as the one she ran into after walking through the entrance hallway was Anne-Gerd. Anne-Gerd is another one of her former colleagues, which made it perfectly natural to start the conversation by reminiscing some about their time together as coworkers.


After spending the evening in the park having great fun in the park, Rune decided to make a run for it and head back home to his father and the twins for the night, while Samira hopped on her bike to go home to her own parents' house.


He came home to find his father eating supper by the dining table and the twins playing peacefully with each their toy.

It was bedtime soon, and he wanted to sleep in the bunk bed again this night.. just had to do the usual routine first to check for monsters.. luckily he found none. The bunk bed was a much better bed to sleep in... ;)


Solvej was still going strong at the party, entertaining the other party guests with a few more of her tunes as well as some cover versions of popular songs, when she got a phone call from Gretzl Trazlacat. Gretzl is the only child of sworn enemies Fragen Froosh, a retired school teacher that hates children, and Fragen Froosh, a retired military and complete doormat.


Other guests at the party, aside from Solvej and Anne-Gerd, were some anonymous hot dog lady, Chansa Klinemann, who sings in the all female choir alongside both Anne-Gerd and Solvej, appropriately dressed as a mermaid, and Agnar Bergersen, another retired teacher who hates children. Supposedly, because when the party came to an end, he was repeatedly playing with Jonn, the youngest member of the Dahl-Blankblomst household..

 Back home everyone was finished with their evening meal and it was time to go to bed. Rune went to sleep in the bunk bed and Patrik picked up the twins to to put them in their cribs..

Everyone had left at the party now, but Solvej chose to hang around a little longer to entertain Daniel while he was feeding Jonn with just a few more songs from her repertoire.. before Daniel told her she had to leave, because everyone there was going to sleep...


Once home she found Lilian still awake with a soiled diaper, so she picked her up to comfort her and change her quietly so as to not wake up Patrik and Silvia, before lulling her to sleep, forgetting to take of her mask from the party..

Solvej from Lilians point of view.. if the kid isn't scarred for life now, she'll probably tackle anything. :P

When she was sure everyone was asleep it was Solvejs turn to practice some football. She wasn't the biggest sports enthusiast like Patrik, and potentially Silvia, but she had been chewing on some of her.. special coffee beans from her greenhouse... and had some extra energy to burn off before she could thought she could go to bed alongside her husband and go to sleep...

The football field was filled with strawberries forever and she was floating up among the stars there for a while, and scoring everytime... birds were chirping and she felt a strong sense of inner peace and unity with the ball.. the goal.. the grass... the world... until she felt the effects wear off and she lowered down back down to earth again... slowly, softly, gently...

She thought for a moment there she could just lay down on the grass for a while before going inside, but as winter was about to set in and it was going to get pretty cold outside on this starry night she figured that might not be the best idea.. If it was a summer night, however... so...exhausted and tired from a long day she slouched her way up the stairs and inside to get some good rest finally...


Good night.. ;)

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