Saturday, July 1, 2023

Chapter 12.1 - June 2023 - Hello! You fool, I love you...

..and a good nights sleep it was. Solvej had the most vivid dreams of her marriage. The sun coloured everything in a bright orange hue and seagulls were heard in the distance accomponied by the soothing sound of the ocean waves as they slowly rolled in to embrace the shoreline.... The sea breeze was mild, soft and gentle, just like the touch of his hand on her face.. and everything was perfect.

It was such a rush, it was the best high she had ever felt when they exchanged rings and their lips found each other and left everything else behind. She wasn't just floating, she was flying, leaving the grass and the cobblestone behind on her way up...

If she had opened her eyes, she would have seen the park, the harbour, the old fishing vessels passing the lighthouse on the way out and the town below her becoming smaller.. as she rose up past another couple in a wonderful hot air balloon saying they were heading for a club on the moon... past the clouds, leaving the atmosphere, the earth, and even the sun and the moon behind to a place where it was only them and them alone and they became one in a moment that felt like it should last forever... and she could hear the crowd cheer in the distance somewhere down there and all around them.. a cheer that gradually became more high pitched in voice, almost to the point of sounding like a baby crying...

That's when reality set in, and it was time to wake up...

"Whose turn is it this time?"

"I'll take her, you go back to sleep..."

Silvia had not adjusted her sleep schedual to the rest of the family, so this became a very early morning for Patrik. Since his young girl was having breakfast at this hour, he figured he might just do the same since he was already up...

This also gave him plenty of time before going to work at the police station to do some much needed cleaning up around the house as laundry had piled up here and there to become tiny mountains of dirty, smelly clothes..

When the actual morning came Rune woke up to open his Chest of Wonders, and in it he found a time portal that would transport him some million years back in time before sims existed and the Simtopian planet were habitated by reptiles much larger and more dangerous than the ones seen today...

Being a dinosaur for a while is cool, but like the poster in the school hallway says "The dinosaurs didn't read. Look what happened to them..", so when the school bus honks the costume goes back into the chest and out the door he goes. ;)
Lillian woke up just as he found his seat, and sleep time for Solvej was now over..

"Oh my sweetheart, mommy is coming soon, it will be ok.." Solvej yawned on her way over to Lillians crib..

..before changing her diaper and taking her upstairs to place her on the floor next to the broken doll house.. "My little girl.. I wish you could tell me what happened to the doll house, but don't worry.. mommy will fix it..."

It takes her a couple of hours to fix it, and she really can't believe the toddlers would be able to do this all on their own... Rune was out of the house hanging out with his friend Elisa, so it couldn't have been him.. could Patrik have done it? It had been quite stressful for them since the twins were born and she knew that he could sometimes have a bit of a short fuse, so... but she pushed the thought aside, because on his good days he could be really sweet.... and of course, there was always his muscular body.. just curling up next to him in bed and have him put his strong arm around her.. no, it was probably just an accident and he probably didn't mean it...

She had already been at the jewelry store and bought the rings for both of them, and was going to ask the question when he came home from work...

"Let this be a secret between you and me for now, but I'm going to ask your daddy to marry me..."

Patrik pretty much had no idea what Solvej had in mind as he came home from work to pay the bills as usual.. Marriage was not something he had considered, the thought hadn't even crossed his mind.. but women, they're kryptonite to him, and Solvej was one of a kind. There was a wilderness to her that he hadn't found in any other woman. Of couse, there hadn't been to much of that for the past year as their babies had been very demanding and turning their bedroom into a no-go zone for that kind of thing... but there was always the shower, the kitchen counter or when she was feeling really risky, even the greenhouse... Solvej was not afraid to get dirty in more ways than one, and he loved every piece of it. ;)

..and she knew it. If she wanted him to say yes, she had to surprise him and do what she did best..

..just in time for Rune to come home from school. When he saw his parents kissing like that, he knew it was time to leave them alone for a while..

"Hi mom, hi dad.. I'll be inside doing my homework...".. but just like Patrik, Rune didn't know what his mom had in store..

"What, Solvej...? What are you...? Not here, not now.. that's much to risky!" Not even Patrik was willing to take it to that level...

"You fool! But look.. I got something..."

"...Patrik.... will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Patrik knew that Solvej was a keeper, or he would have left a long time ago.. so he didn't really need to think to hard to give his answer. It takes a special kind of woman to capture a man whose wish in life is to break hearts, and Solvej was just that kind.... atleast for him she was. A match made in... Nirvana. Or right there on the grass, or usually just.. wherever they were. She was his match.. his matchstick, and no doubt could she light a fire...

Now in his former football career Patrik had gotten used to collecting trophies, but none were as shiny right now as this one ring on his finger.. He still wasn't sure if this was actually happening.. Did she just ask? Was it really him that told her "yes" or was he being someone else?

No, he was still there, and reality was still real as they launched into a long hug they wished could last for much longer than it did.. or just take it to the greenhouse to.. umm, water the roses, but..

..well, maybe later, because or now they had to care for their toddlers again..


The always musical Solvej thinks this day deserves a song, so she gets out her guitar to play a tune to her toddlers and Patriks great amusement. ;)

Oh, happy day..

..and for some strange reason Patrik gets an urge to go the bathroom to check his appearance..

However, as he got up so early this morning, it's now bedtime for him.. and Solvej decides it's bedtime for the toddlers too as she puts them both in their cribs..

Then she gets the thought to go to the grocery store to sell of some of her harvest, but the store was closed and wasn't taking in goods at this hour. Come back a little earlier tomorrow, the store clerk told her, so she had to leave back home again, empty handed in terms of cash, but with her vegetables still in her possesions.. The rings she bought weren't cheap, so whatever money she could get now, would be very handy..

Then just as she was about to put her head on the pillow, her phone rang.. It was Christoffer Vaddelmyr, Selmas spouse, calling.. He wanted to know if they could hang out..

"...what? At this hour..? No.. if you really just want to hang out, how about you call me a little earlier in the day?"

"Oh yeah.. sure.. If you say so... ok, bye...."

"Give me a break.." Solvej thought to herself as she hung up and got ready to go to bed.. Nobody calls at this hour if all they want to do is hang out... Whatever happened in Christoffer and Selmas marriage wasn't really any of her concern.. Soon she would have her own to think about, but for now...

Good night. ;)

Other happenings:

Kari Slettemoen has relocated to a new home with her husband Dimitov and their son Svenn. Interestingly Anne-Gerd Jørgensen, who is just a friend of the couple, still tags along with them instead of finding her own place...

Their new house is one of the many old typical brick houses found in the area.

Dongmei Xie-Luo, a colleague of Gaute and another parent of a set of twins (Hung and Jiang), just got promoted to wing woman in her career.

Wanda and Fred Westgård that runs the orphanage also became the parents of a new boy called Magnar.

I missed out on a birthday party, because Hoda Odinsdatter just had her 18th birthday and is now considered a young adult. She also got a job in the sports career. On this picture, she is at the library talking to Dimitov Slettemoen that became her new boss. This wasn't on purpose as I always try to catch and celebrate their birthdays, but, well.. can't be everywhere all at once. ;)

Leon Maneval, the car enthustiastic frenchman, has now either dumped or been dumped by Anne-Gerd Jørgensen and has found a new lover in Siw Falch. Here he is outside her house, supposedly going for a nightly visit of the kind that Christoffer Vaddelmyr was hoping for when he called Solvej.. I thought earlier that Anne-Gerd had finally found a partner, but it looks like she is just continuing her streak of being eternally unlucky in love..

Life is different for different people.. where some always fails, other have found success that just keeps on being successful.. This is Karoline Gundersen in the hallway of her house with her husband Kabelo Gundersen and their son Alexander. Let's hope this is how Solvej and Patriks future marriage will turn out. ;)

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