Friday, April 28, 2023

Chapter 1.1 - January and February 2021

 Note: These first chapters for the town of Sprottenham were purposefully written using a very brief tone with short sentences or parahraphs without to many attempts of elaborate story telling.

January starts promptly with Solvej staying up all night jamming on her guitar outside. The cold never bothered me anyway...:P

Gaute wakes up early to get some exercize.

 "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" says Solvej, before she puts on her formal wear.

Solvej is a vegetarian, and she always makes sure to remind Rune that he must eat his vegetables.

First day of school after christmas holiday for Bodil and Rune.

The Rasmussen family home is located in the more rural part of Sprottenham, just across the road and sligthly to the left of "Gufo Triste". (It is near the centre of the picture here, promptly hidden behind a tree.)

After the kids have gone to school, Leya is now up and ready for breakfast.

Leya is an artistic soul that likes to draw and paint. Her last name is Chitrakaar after all...

Patrik is acting inappropriate and flirts with Leya. Leya just shrugs at him. His flirting has no effect whatsoever.

 It would seem that both Gaute and Leya are very pertinent when it comes to keeping the house clean.


Gaute surfing the web on his cellphone while waiting for the households latest investment to finish doing its thing.

Patrik is reading Bodil a bedtime story, and Solvej is sleeping in after staying up all night, and consequently being late for her job as a stage worker at the community theatre.

Solveig didn't make it to her shift until two hours before it ended...

Leya on the other hand, that got to work in time, is now promoted to band manager. Congratulations to Leya!

Solvej and Patrik is being romantic.

Leya is telling Rune stories from the music industry. What to look out for and what to avoid..

 Leya: Me and our colleagues were very concerned when you almost didn't show up at work at all tonight. Is everything ok with you, Solvej?

Solvej: Oh, don't you worry about me, everything is fine!

Solvej: I slept really well..

Leya: Hmm...

Next morning:

Gaute is usually the first that has to wake up in the morning to get ready for his job as a wingman at the military base.

Picture: Sprottenham Military Base. Image classification: Unrestricted. Photo courtesy of RSAF (Royal Simbrian Air Force.)

Solvej got an invitation to visit her long time friend and band member, Gabriela Vanderfjert (nee Bedoya). Gabriela Vanderfjert lives in one of the characteristic Sprottenham brickhouses along Dunstan View.
Gabriela is married to Ramger Vanderfjert.. uh, former football player on the Sprottenham Totspurs. Now he apparently also works in the music industry..

When three colleagues get together, they discuss work, of course.

As winter was coming to an end, a period of mild temperatures and heavy rain had melted all the snow away.

Gaute had expanded the household with a new room upstairs and a treadmill.

When Gaute is at work, Patrik seizes the opportunity to run pick-up lines on Leya. It does not work...
Or does it!? Because this is Leya complimenting Patrik's looks.. maybe you guys shouldn't be living under the same roof anymore...

Uh, weirdos.

Gaute is home from work and wants to use the television to do some strength training, but Patrik is already occupying it with watching the romance channel.

So he goes for the treadmill to run off some steam.

A tattoo shop, "The Burnt Hot Dog", just opened in town.
Rune had joined the boy scouts as an after school activity.
Solvej had bought a tree house for the kids.

 Patrik got a promotion at work and is now captain of the team.

Patrik was invited to a party over at Leni Dahl-Blankblomst's house. There he yelled at Anne-Gerd Jørgensen for still being single and childless. This made Anne-Gerd very angry with Patrik.

He continued to argue and accuse her of various things.

This is the host of the party, Leni Dahl-Blankblomst. She is another local singer and a good friend of Leya and Solvej.

Leni is married to Daniel Dahl-Blankblomst, another football player of the Sprottenham Totspurs.

They have a son, Jonn Dahl-Blankblomst. Here is Patrik playing with Jonn.

Solvej is looking forward to spring and summer when she can work in the garden again. Well, March is just around the corner, so it shouldn't be long now, eh? Coming up soon...

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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Chapter 1.0 - Introduction

Sprottenham has a coastal Northern European-esque climate, with relatively mild winters and cool summers.

 The town is located on the eastern shoreline of Hipnip Piles in an area with extensive moors and mires..

Ranveig had a visit to Sprottenham in December 2020 where Robert Bråge got to meet his father Gaute for the first time. Unfortunately I can't show the video here because of copyright issues so you would have to click the above image to go watch it on youtube.

Picture: Gaute Chitrakaar-Bråheim in his home in Sprottenham.

A little background info. Ranveig met Gaute for the first time when he was on summer holiday in Sunset Valley, june 2009. Ranveig had been single for the last 5 years after she broke up with the 'Prison Warden' Fredrik Fredriksen. So she met Gaute one day, on the beach actually, one thing led to another and approximately 9 months later, Robert Bråge was born... Gaute, however, was long gone, restless soul that he was, and they didn't really keep in touch much until after Robert Bråge had started school.

Picture: Greenacre Road 28, "Gufo Triste".

At the time Gaute lived in an old run down house known by the locals as "Gufo Triste" (The Sad Owl), and it wasn't until he married Leya Chitrakaar, a local singer and painter, that he moved to a better location. Since Gaute moved from "Gufo Triste", it has detoriated even further, and is now in a really sad state. The roof damage is from an unusually strong winter storm a couple of years ago. Why the town council is letting it stand like this and isn't just tearing it down is beyond me..

Picture: Leya Chitrakaar-Bråheim.

Leya had relatively recently split with her boyfriend Glenn Hoddelås, the goalkeeper of the local football team, the Sprottenham Totspurs. Leya and Glenn has a daughter, Bodil Chitrakaar

Picture: Bodil Chitrakaar.

After splitting with Glenn, Leya and Bodil had moved into to the Rasmussen household. That was only meant to be temporarily until she could find a place of her own, but eventually became permanent. After Gaute married Leya, he moved in as well, making it a household of four adults and two children.

Picture: Greenacre Road 15. Rasmussen household, "The Millground House".

So I think it is most natural to follow the Bråheim-Chitrakaar family for this town, and leave everyone else to go about their lives without me prying into their daily doings.. so, here we go!

Other members of the household:

Solvej Rasmussen, singer-songwriter. Born and raised in Freetown Ciani Tharis, Wad Nahadau.

Patrik C. Jensen, football player, Sprottenham Totspurs.

Rune Rasmussen, Solvej and Patrik's son. 

This was a very short introduction, and it has no "previous" to go back to, but there is a next to go to. ;)

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Chapter 12.7: December 2023 – part II: Christmas Spirits../Naughty Christmas...

It would appear that everyones (almost) dream of a white christmas would get fulfilled this year, as in the days leading up to Christmas it...